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Adverse Court child assessors report

Started by 5cents, May 25, 2007, 06:14:36 AM

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Are you in England? Or are you British? If in the US, what state?


Ireland, legally I have a solicitor (same as attorney) and a barrister (used in higher courts)


I also was a victim of a biased custody evalaution report.  My lawyer told me to not gfignt as it would be deterimantl and the judge might just take away what little time I was given.  That was seven years ago.  I finally just gave up after seeing my kids EOW for the last seven years.  They are so PAS'd that having them in my home became too much of a strain for my new family.  False allegations, first bu CP then by Children, children stealing medical and financial record from my mone for CP, disrespect. then fisanlly false allegations anytime Cp wanted more time with the kids.  All together I spent about $60K- 20 for the eval and the rest fighting all of the nonesense adn i ended up just walking away anyways.

Here is what I learned- spend the money on the front end of things.  Had I more vigorously defended my positon from the get go I would have gotten more, I think and then had more baragining power. I was "tricked" into thinking that if I just looked cooperative the judge would soon see how uncooperative the CP was and I would get more time with the children.  WRONG!  The one who is the most dispicable seems ot get what they want- so if you're gonna fight- do it now.  

If a laywer is telling you not to fignt but you want to fight get a different attorney. Hire one on the same page of music as you are.  Hell, ittook my attorney about 18 months of representing me before she realized the evalautors biased report was bogus. I took her with me to an IEP meeting at my son's school where she witnessed foirst hand what the X is like- negative, never an idea of how to make htings better, rude entitled adn expecting everyone to do the job instead of the CP.  By then it was too late ot fight adn the PAS was heating up.

BTW- I'm a non custodial mom- no I'm not a drug addict or criminal.  Infact, I am a licensed nurse, amaster's candidate in counsleing and a certifed parent- child educator.  No criminal record, no child abuse record I do not drink, smoke and hardly ever swaer althought that is going by the way side since I have been dealing with this for so long.


Hi Backwardsbike

Thankyou very much for your response and advice, I think you are right,,,its better to oppose my ex now rather than 'hope for the best later' and then spend years in the courts trying to a decent schedule of joint custody. I don't want to b ea 'contact' dad being peripheral to my childrens lives. I am meeting the lawyer tomorrow and will listen to her and then instruct her to oppose the 'expert' report and my ex's lawyers and appeal to the judge directly .

Thx again 5cents


I had a hunch, judging by some of your expressions lol.

I hope everyone's advice applies there as it would here in the States. I have heard that in England it's been an uphill climb for Dads to assert their rights and things are slow to change in court.

Sounds like you're on the right track, keep us posted.