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father success story!!!

Started by mishelle2, Aug 03, 2007, 10:39:33 PM

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Well every now and again the wind changes and a success story happens... my sd was usually in FL during school year and CA with us in summer and breaks.. well during this past school year sd did terrible.. and when she got here with us she told us that she was fighting with mom all the time..... so we did some digging.. .talked to some  of bms family and .. then we did it.. filed for full custody of sd... and got an emergency order in 12 hours signed (female judge too that usually hates men and usually takes at least 72 hours to sign temp orders)... followed all rules.. and ended up at hearing with sole custody...... so guys.... every now and again the system gives in.. and lets us win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yah yah yah!!!!


Are you kidding me!??!! :)  I realize you gave the quick and dirty summary, but you HAVE TO post what on earth happened!

WOW!!!  I am super excited for you guys!!!  Congrats!!


GEEZ! That is so wonderful!! I agree with Sunshine----DETAILS! How old is your SD? Must've been some powerful words from her.


well sd is 13 will be 14 in oct, she told us she had been fist fighting with her mom .. not all the time but a few times is enough for concern, then bms family here in  CA contacted us.. told us its worse than we thought and we need to do something... so .. we did... sd was arguing with step dad and then while sd was here mom moved out of house and instantly in with new guy.. so .. we filed a 24 page OSC w/temp orders and judge signed it.. we attached 14 pages of progress reports,emails and report cards to back us up....

the only thing that sucks about this is now the bm refuses to speak to our daughter.. and blames her.. our daugther just doesnt understand that its her mother with the issues not her...

well now we have to figure out if we file for cs or not... or do we give it some time first??? any suggestions?


Thrilled at your success

Please dont forget the other side of the coin.

Kids that are pushed and pushed to the point of "acting out" to the gain of the step parent and parent. (etc)

Little do they (children) realise that in actuality they are being used for the gawd almighty dollar.

In turn, after all the turmoil subsides do the children realise that they were a pawn in a well played chess game.

It may take years and or days for the "children" (our most important concern) to realise that the "issues" were over played to gain for the parents envolved.

Thrilled for Your success, but am causious for other children experiencing parent aleination issues.



acutally we were more on the end of pas than the mother, she would have sd be unavailable for phone conversations for months at a time, then tell sd we never call .. she would say it is our fault she didnt have any money.. she tried very hard to make sd hate her dad and not trust him.. but thank god it didnt work.. now she is doing better...we have ALOTTT of work ahead of us to get her emotionally where she needs to be but we'll get there....

thanks guys for all the support