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Nervous......summer visitation to start in a few hours...

Started by prince13, May 30, 2005, 03:09:07 PM

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DH left about 30 minutes ago to go meet the PBFH 1/2 to get his boys for their summer visitation with Dad. Based on past history and recent current events I am afraid she isn't going to show up at all. They are to meet at 7pm 1/2 between each home. Keep your fingers crossed that she holds up the court order this time! DH thinks she will show, but I don't! I hope he is correct and that I am wrong.

Will be back in a few to let y'all know the outcome of the exchange. If she doesn't show looks like we will be calling our atty first thing tomorrow morning.

Thanks for the support!


let us know how it turns out.

If she doesn't show. . .make sure he gets a receipt proving he was wherever they were suppose to meet.  One when he gets there. . .and one before he leaves.
He can use them in a contempt charge.

Have a good summer!


He just called me! She showed, and with both boys!! We were afraid she may have only brough the youngest due to some recent events. I think her atty told her to behave!

At any rate, all is good for now! I am soooo happy!


The exchange went ok other than BM telling DH not to leave messages for his son on son's cell phone. If he wants to do so he needs to provide one for him as well. WHATEVER! All he did was leave a message to remind him to bring his baseball stuff as he has a game on Wed.

OH, and their step father said to both boys "be mushrooms" when he said goodbye to them. What in the HECK does that mean? Given the history of this high conflict situation I am sure there is some underlying meaning in this statement. Anyone have any ideas about what this could mean?


A mushroom is something that thrives in a dark place.  Is he telling them that they should lay low and do nothing with you?  I don't know???  

How long is your visitation for?  Towards the end, as the bonding continues to grow, have DH ask the kids what that means.  Make a joke out of it and ask light heartedly like "How are you supposed to be a mushroom?  Does that mean you sit on a pizza?"  Something silly to catch them off guard to be forthcoming with him.


Enjoy the boys and your time with them.  As far as the cell phone comment and the mushroom comment -- hit ignore in your mind.  You cannot control bm and stepdad's behavior.  They are wierd, but all you can do is take the high road and love the boys.  Showing the boys that you don't get into the games will only benefit you in the end.  The boys will remember their silly control issues -- don't fall into the trap.

Have a great summer!


Weird comment. I agree. Don't sweat the comment. You could read into it a million ways. If I wanted to put on my evil thinking cap, I could come up with a ton of options for you. I guess, all's well that ends well and you got the kids so, make like a mushroom and be a fungi. (sorry, couldn't resist)



Good point...ignore it and don't sweat it, sometimes easier said than done, though. Of course, I forgot to mention that his youngest said to him right away "I am only going to be here for 22 days." No...he is here for 10 weeks per the court order. And when older bro came over to the van younger one shut up like he knew he had spilled the beans....so we know the PBFH is up to something. She has been trying to take away the kids time with their father since the day they got divorced. Gee, I can hardly wait to see what she pulls this time!


that the pick up went OK.  That waiting and wondering is a real stresser!  The shroon comment is acutally very typical.  Parents who are trying to influence their child's mind will have code words and secret phrases.  

SS's BM will tell him in every letter and phone call to "keep the faith" and "wear your helmut".  We don't know the exact words BM used, but the meaning behind the secret words are all basically the same of course.  Don't sweat it.  I just think of it like this...the thoughts that BM envokes with those phrases will last maybe 2or3 minutes at best.  Then SS is on to better things without a care in the world!