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Started by FL_48603, Jul 02, 2005, 10:23:26 AM

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My ex took off with my child yesterday. My ex took my child out of state and caused me to miss my custodial time with my child. This breaks about 3 different points in our order, and my attorney had wrriten a letter to their attorney pointing out that the time they were fighting for was in violation.

Because my ex has abducted my child in the past so as to relocate them as leverage in their case, I asked the local police to file a report.

After sufficiently grilling me (in case you have yet to guess, I am the non-cusotdial Dad) and overscrutinizing my court order (which I keep on hand like my license, registration and proof of insurance), the cop told me he would take the order back and scrutinize it some more, then call me letting me know his thoughts.

He did call me explaining that he and his superior wanted to know if I wanted the report sent to the DA for criminal charges.

What does this mean to me? Will they take my ex to jail, and should I allow this?

Please advise,

[email protected]


To Clarify:

The CP became the CP by initially abducting the child
from our home and then having their father/divorce attorney
file divorce papers after the fact to legitimize violation of
child kidnapping codes.

We do have an order of the court which does stipulate matters
to do with the child not being removed from the area without
prior written notice and consent filed with The Court.

into allowing the CP to hold onto the title of CP becuase I
was just so glad to have finally gotten JOINT CUSTODY back in
place.  See the CP and her lawyer have tried repeatedly to
wrtie me
out of my child's life following abduction of the child by
the so-called "CP".

The one thing that has always concenred me and others more
"qualified" (if not more "certified")
than myself is how insulary these people on the CP's side are
with my child.  Never wanting her to be taken to the doctor,
or dentist or school functions by anyone but the CP whose
father/divorce attorney had sufficiently conditioned these
professional to give the NCP "the treatment".

CP returned to the use of corporal punishment resulting in
the injuring of the child's wrist in violation of the
"no-spaking" clause I had written in to the order.

The same wrist ending up broken three weeks later when the
child was allosed by the CP to go 6 days without examination
nor treatment of the broken wrist is violation of the
existing order calling for attentiveness to the medical needs
of the child.

After notifying the CP repeatedly about  the child's
flinching when they
would eat or drink the CP took an alamringly dismissive
attitude rejecting my notification regarding my child's teeth
as as being the
child's play acting for attention which they picked up from
my "side of the family" since "bad teeth run
in my side of the family" - only to reveal once I, the
NCP took my child to have $3,000.00 worth of dental work
done) that the child was in need to have 8 cavities repaired,
two root canals and one molar extraction - a violation of the
same clause of the existing order calling for attentiveness
to the medical

CP allows the child to be subjected to the CP's family's
taking the child to a church where they fill the child's head
with how evil dad is and how he is a member of a cult (along
with every other member of any other christian sect besides
theirs is a cult) and allowing the CP's mother to tell my
child I am a liar and allowing the CP's step-father to
ridicule me in front of my child and her geusts - a vilation
of the clause in the order which calls for no disparriging of
the NCP is contempt of court?

Therefore, I brought a motion before the court and we are
scheduled to go to an evidenciary hearing on the matter of
custody being awareded soley to me the present day NCP in
less than a month.

The CP quite her job, withdrew from school, has ended
friendships and has demonstrated repeatedly and frequent
emotional breakdowns where she laments he decisions over the
past 5 years.

90 days ago the CP told the MFT we were seeing that she had
an unreasonable fear that if I got more time with my child CP
would lise the child forever.

Now I ask that the CP adhere to the order of the court and
instaed she flees the state with my child and wihtout the
written consent filed with the court and without providing me
with any notification as to where they are or how to contact
my child.

Even kind words of support where practical advice cannot be offered is appreciated.


A Loving Father.


I say charge her, if she goes to jail then your chances of getting custody will be even better. Me and my hubby are in the midst of a court battle for visitation with my DSS. My best advice is document EVERYHING! be prepared, and know what is going on at all times. After you go to court a few times and show a pattern you will most likely get custody.