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Started by TIGERCATCH, Nov 06, 2006, 10:13:10 AM

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No she cannot do this unless it is stipulated in your order.

I would provide a copy of the order for your wife to carry. Get a notarized statement that you are giving permission for your wife to pick up your child (and power of attorney may be a good idea too - there is one on this site that covers this specific item). AND I would call the local police dept. and advise them of what has happened and that your wife is en-route to pick up the child (or just call the day of the pick up) and that there may be an issue. You may be able to get an escort for your wife to enforce the order or you may be covering your and your wife's butt by letting the police know so when the crap hits the fan, it is documented.

If the mother refuses to allow the pick up, your wife should call the police and report the inciden. If they won't respond, they should write a report and you should get a copy of that and file for contempt.

Remember, the order stipulates the conditions that must be met. Anything else is open and nobody is bound to any action.

You could also post to dear socrateaser forum on here and ask him. Follow the mandatory guidelines!



It sounds to me like your wife has picked up your child on a regular basis and this would not be the first time.

How did you receive the notice that your ex was making up a new rule? If you have it in writing, I'd go ahead and file contempt now to head the matter off at the pass.

Have you spoken to your ex about this?  If you let her know that you will follow up with court action should she not comply, she may change her story. You have to be cold and business like with her, don't get emotional or be dragged into her arguing.

First off, I would send a certified letter to her stating that "as we have done for XXX years/months (whatever applies), my wife XXXX will be picking up XXX child name here for my weekends (and detail the dates and times of pick-ups).

I'd ask soc about the wording on this one to make sure you cover yourself on this one.

What happened that caused her to do this do you think?  Ex's can be a pain. And they love doing things to make you worry so don't let it get to you. Remember if it's not in the order, it's hot air and you should treat it that way. Once she realizes she can't get under your skin either she will get more pissed and guarantee a court date or she'll find someone else to pester.

It is important to keep in mind the dynamics of your relationship while married. She knows what pushes your buttons. Change that and she will not know what to do and hopefully start acting like an adult!

good luck.



Unless it states in your custody/visitation order that you are the only one that can pick up your son then no she can't make this decision.



your letter stating that yoru wife will pick up child as she has done since XXX year, should be sent certified return receipt requested. That way no doubt she got it.

She is remarried. Get real.

Best for the child is not a dictator mother. Taking the high road and giving in only leads to more and greater demands. Get a hold on this now before it is out of control. It does not matter who likes who.

good luck.


I would send her an e-mail stating
To ex,
I am writing to you about last week's incident in front of "child". My wife has been picking up XXX for over 2 years with no issues and it is only happens when I am working late. I respect the days your husband drives son to school and other activities and I hope you will do so in return. If this is a problem, then please let me know and I will get it clarified through the courts. As it stands now, our court order does not bar anyone from picking up child"

See how the next couple of weeks go and if she still is acting out, I would bring it to court before your baseball season starts.
Good luck!