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Where is the line drawn when you have something to do with your kids?

Started by billievaughters, Dec 10, 2009, 08:52:05 PM

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I have a question. I see my children every other weekend and now it's christmas and i have plans for my children when i see them. But the mother has my daughter in girl scouts. And everytime i take my daughter to an event she makes a scene. so i was wondering would it hurt me i didn't take her to the girl scouts meeting when i have her. I mean what if i have something to do or plan with my children. would that be considered interferring with activities? i mean i would take her to the event if i didn't have anything planned where is the line drawn when the other parent has plans for his children?


Once in a while you can miss especially with the holidays. I would not tell the ex until you have the kids for that week. Then email/text that child will not be at event due to another family obligation. You will make sure she is there next week. (no emotion, facts and that will not get you in trouble in court).

Does it say anything about bringing kids to activities in your order? Even if it does, once in a while miss is fine. Keep track of when you bring her. As sad as it sounds, I would even have the scout leader sign each time you bring her so you have proof. Or ask scout leader if she takes good attendance and would she mind writing M or D next to your daughters name so you have records of bringing her.


If it is your court ordered time, do as you wish. Obviously, you and the significant other should try to coordinate activities, but you can rearrange child's activities during your time. Also, this is the holiday season, and a failure to appear is understandable.


the line is drawn in the sand...

it's a very careful balance -- between taking the child to activities and planning your own activities when the child is with you.

I'd be talking to the child a lot to see what they want KNOWING Mom is going to pitch a hissy fit when you two get there.

Mom is embarassing herself -- believe me, others see it too.