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Dissapointed once again with the FOC

Started by superdad01, Dec 26, 2009, 04:35:42 PM

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As some of you might recall with a previous thread of mine, I made mention of the lazy parenting time worker I had to deal with. She never did her her job nor enforced the court order... Well one time she did. Anyways I now have a new parenting time specialist and once again I filed a complaint for being denied my first right of refusal when mom went out of town for an entire week without telling me. I had high hopes but once again I am dissapointed.

So I get a letter from FOC stating he received her response and she replied that she was out of town for the weekend only. and the child was with me on my weekend. Unless I have some extrinsic evidence that mother's statement is incorrect this issue is deemed resolved by this office.

So basically He is just taking her word over mine? I have no idea on the extent of her letter. No idea on if I can get a copy of it or not... I did apply for a copy of all my complaints filed for court use and I have not heard from him on that issue. That was 3 weeks ago. copies are a dollar a page.

I should be infront of this guy pretty soon for a recommendation on parenting time and support. We have another court date in Febuary.

I am very tempted to reply to his office and let him know that, their is no point in filing complaints since he don't care to check into them. Since I do not have the time nor resources to become or hire a full time Private investigator for these issues that is simply a waste of my time to file complaints and such. She has a history of ignoring the order and list of complaints there so I dunno what else I can do.  Mom was not there for the entire week. I know this because she was not there for the entire week of pick-ups and drop-off's.

I already know my mouth will get me into trouble, but I feel like I am reaching the point of no return.  I'm gonna walk into his office in a bad mood. I already seem to think by his reaction to my complaint that I am not going to get the relief I want.


Go in and state facts...
Drop off child on XX and BM was not home, left child with XX
Pick up child on XX, BM not home, took child from XX
On the weekend pick up child from XXX, mother once again not home.

How old is child? Can FOC talk to child?

Wear a tape recorder and at drop off tape it....(audio is fine in coat...) ask whoever you pick up that you want to speak to BM and is she home? Then you can play tape to FOC...

Ask FOC how you would prove this next time? (put ball in their court on how to prove it to them...)

If you have past complaints....have a nice one or two page calendar with color dates of issues...so it is easy for them to see...red squares- bm denied visit....yellow ..BM was not home... (whatever your issues are..)


You need to be able to provide them proof of what is going on. There's so many cases that unless you can show them proof, it's a he-said, she-said, and they won't take it seriously. If you have some sort of proof (to include your own records) they will more than likely try to look deeper into it.


right I agree, but it still boils down to a he said she said.  I have taped phone call.. when our daughter asks her mom where she is at, she says I don't wanna tell you honey because you'll tell your daddy..... I'm far away but I'll be home when you get home.

Being so close to court I don't know if it is a good idea to fan the flames as far as not dropping her off if her mom is not there... Like I said it always seems to bite me in the butt when trying to enforce the court order. She will just lie about it and court will say ok... That's been happening for years.  For instance when she takes me to court because she did not want to share transportation... now get this... She paid a lawyer to say she could not afford a car.
She had a car... I had video of her driving the car showin up to pick our daughter up.

Now you would think a judge would say wait a minute here....... Nope.... Do you have a car sir? Yes your honor... well you do all the transportation then.... But she's lying to you... Blah blah blah.

But anyways since she was served the petition she has been home everyday. So even if I had a colored calender I'm sure she would just say he is lying and it is untrue.

She is trying to remove the first right of refusal from our order.