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Would this help my fight for custody?

Started by sillyviolet, Jun 08, 2011, 02:56:02 PM

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I got my kids grades after a chat with the Principal. Mostly I's and N's for my oldest and my youngest is getting held back. They were doing well in school before I moved out of the home. Would this help my fight for custody of the kids?


You'll have to show the before AND After.....


How long ago was it that you moved away and how old are they?  It's pretty common for kids to have problems in school right after a seperation.  You don't want to jump the gun and have the judge dismiss it because your seperation was recent.


They are five and seven and our separation was two years ago. My youngest did really well in preschool and my oldest was doing really in Kindergarten. Since they have been with their dad most of the time, their grades have declined.


I don't know if they will consider the before for the preschool grades. However, if the majority of the grades are really bad, I'd talk to your attorney and see what they say. What percentage of their grades were poor?


I've forgotten what I's mean, lol.  I know N is Needs Improvement.

Have you spoken to the teachers about why their getting bad grades?  I saw on another post that one of the kids is having ear surgery - does this have something to do with him being held back?

I know they won't consider the kindergarten one.  It's really common, and my step-daughter had to repear kindergarten also.  It had no bearing on the custody hearing.


Quote from: gemini3 on Jun 09, 2011, 12:08:39 PM
I've forgotten what I's mean, lol.  I know N is Needs Improvement.

Have you spoken to the teachers about why their getting bad grades?  I saw on another post that one of the kids is having ear surgery - does this have something to do with him being held back?

I know they won't consider the kindergarten one.  It's really common, and my step-daughter had to repear kindergarten also.  It had no bearing on the custody hearing.

Yup, my SD had to repeat Kindergarten, too. But, her grades continued to decline (she has ADHD and her mom refused to have her tested, and once she was tested, would allow any other treatments other than medication and wouldn't agree to request an IEP/504 Plan from the school...SD just got a 504 Plan put in place after the teacher and school psychologist after they and DH spoke for a few months)... We are waiting on my SD's 2nd grade report card, but we can show a history of very poor grades while with BM. However, along with this we have proof of her not taking care of SD's special education needs or medical needs. You'll need to prove that he is unfit overall, not just in the education area. Because there could be other contributing factors to the poor grades.

I think "I" is incomplete? At least, when I was in school it was. lol.


Sorry for the delay. I means is improving.


Quote from: bloom6372 on Jun 09, 2011, 05:15:37 AM
I don't know if they will consider the before for the preschool grades. However, if the majority of the grades are really bad, I'd talk to your attorney and see what they say. What percentage of their grades were poor?
Most of their grades were n's or i's. i=16/43 n=11/43. So a total of 27/43 grades were n or i. The rest were M's or meets expectations. None of the grades were exceeds expectations, which he had a lot of in kindergarten. This is for my oldest. My youngest's report card is hard to explain, but he did poorly enough to get held back.


Your ex will use the current charge against you as the reason why the kids are having trouble. That you fight with him with children present. He has that over you right now. I would keep all your evidence and document as much as possible. Ask the school if the one that is being left behind in school, should be tested for any extra services and what you can do on your time. Ask for the new teachers name when they have it, and see if they will email you weekly about grades/homework. Until the current charge is dealt with and removed, it will be hard to fight custody now.