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Advice please

Started by KittyChan, Jun 17, 2014, 11:12:21 AM

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First I have to start out by saying that I haven't a clue where to put this because it bundles a few issues altogether.

So the starting issue is CS order tells NCP to pay a set amount weekly in CS, this is paid sporadically. In recent months I have received only a small portion of the total monthly CS. NCP states that $200 a month is an adequate amount to cover all my child's needs. (Now another of the issues) This amount will not even cover half of the medical bills for my child that have started to accumulate over the last two months (mind you I only received $100 for last month and the month before). I have had to put off my child's OT for the fact that I cannot pay the bill in full for another month or longer. NPC says that what he pays is enough for everything (clothing, shoes, activities, and toys) but my child attends a charter school with uniforms, which he never pitched in to purchase (my mother bought all my child's school needs). NCP also states that the medication for my child's ADHD needs to be changed because he becomes mopey for about an hour, he continues to say this even after I explained that the medication slows my child's thought process down to what is the norm for a child with ASD and that without the medication there is a potential for reversion and self harm. I did bring these concerns up with my child's ped. and he decided to lower the dose...since lowering the dosage there as been a little reversion. NCP states that his lawyer says that these two diagnosis will not affect the outcome of a visitation order, but I am sure NCP never told his "lawyer" that he refused to give my child his medication from time to time to see how it affected my child.

To sum all this up, does the two diagnosis have any sway in what will be done about visitation? Can NCP have CS dropped to just $200 a month without providing his portion of insurance and medical bill payment? Also is there anything I can do to get the NCP to understand what the doctors have said (save for sending the evaluation scores because I have done that already), and can I get a court order to make him take a class on caring for children with ASD even though he worked as a supervisor at a group home for adults with ASD?


If you have a child support order already, take it to your state child support office (not family court). They will let you know if your order is worded in way that they can garnish his check without court. You may have to file in family court to have a garnishment order, that way ex job will take money right from his check to the state. Then the state will direct deposit into your account each week/month. If ex has a cash job, still go through the state as they can collect for you and threaten his driving license and tax refunds.

If you do not have a child support court order, go to family court and file yourself. Some places it is free to file and others there is a fee. Call and find out.

Visitation- Have doctor write a written order on how to give medication and on what days (school days only?). Give to dad. If he does not give meds, then you can get court order to read, dad will give meds at doctor's orders. Invite dad to next dr appt so he can hear it for himself. Medical is a big enough issue but hard to prove he is not giving meds. How old is child? Old enough and able to say dad is not giving them? If it is medicine he really needs, dr can get involved with CPS for medical neglect.

Your child support order should cover how to deal with out of pocket expenses. If it does not , you have to go back and have it added that you will split extra health and therapy costs.

Clothes, that is part of child support money so have that garnished and then he should not be paying extra for clothes for school.


1.  If you have an order that states NCP is to pay $XYZ and the NCP fails to do that, register your order with the county/state you live in and go after the NCP to receive the proper payment.

2.  go back and read your order to see whether or not there is anything that says something about paying a portion of the school expenses above and beyond CS.  (maybe there is, maybe not).  If not, uniforms come out of Child Support.
3.  go back and read what your order says about medical expenses -- again, that should be addresses separately from Child support.  If there is a statement, then SOMETIMES the state will assist in getting you reimbursed, but more often than not, you gotta go after the reimbursement in court.  (and ask for filing fees, court fees, AND reimbursement if you have to do this.
4.  I'm not versed or experience with ADD or ADHD and how quickly "lack of medication" can affect a child's behavior.  Maybe someone else will chime in that comes to the site.
5.  You can take a horse to the watering hole, but you can't make the horse drink. ... or something close to that.  Make sure you can PROVE you've done what you have said -- give him the information of the doctor in writing and let him make his own appointment to gather information on the situation.


Thank you, I'll be getting a copy of the CS order, and I'll be sending the stuff from the doctor via UPS or FedEx.


first class confirmed delivery to dad will be fine.
If you have a paypal account, you can print the postage from home and it's less than $2 a pop.