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Update on my sister

Started by DMcD, Jun 27, 2004, 12:03:07 AM

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She didn't respond to her medication the way it was hoped. Her cardiologist contacted another specialist to see what kinds of alternatives she had aside from a transplant. There is a device called an ICD that is a combination pacemaker/defibulator. It is given to patients who need transplants to prevent fatal cardiac arrests and arrhythmias. Many patients who receive this device have improved so much that they are taken off the donor list and lead relatively normal lives.

My sister received an ICD on Friday. Her surgery went well, despite some minor problems with her anethesia. Her blood oxygen level is back up to 97-100% (where before it usually hovered in the mid-80's and had dropped to 70 at one point). Her heart rate and blood pressure are normal. She is still weak from surgery and her heart probably isn't ever going to be at 100%, but this ICD device could be the miracle we had been praying for. Her stomach was the first symptom of her condition, which it appears she has had for almost two years now. For the first time in nearly two years, she can eat without pain.

She's not out of the woods yet, but she is getting better and may improve even more in the coming weeks and months. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. Thank you to everyone who responded and all of you who didn't but said a little prayer for her. I believe that the power of prayer is real. Her cardiologist and electrophysiologist are the best of the best, her surgery went well and she is responding very well to the ICD. I don't think any of that was an accident. Thank you everyone!


Of course she will be in our prayers...as are you and your entire family...how is school going?  Hope all is well... hugs, nosonew


Good to hear, you are still in my thoughts and prayers.


 I am glad to hear she is doing so much better.
Please keep us updated.


**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


School is going very well considering all of this happened this week. I'm just taking everything one day at a time right now. My first exams are next week, so among all the other things I have to do, I will need to find time to study. I have high hopes that I will get through this session with A's in both my classes. Will keep you updated.