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Looking for help.

Started by Fred1984, Mar 26, 2021, 06:26:04 AM

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My name is Fred. I'm a combat veteran, combat engineer. I did route clearance in Afghanistan in 2012. I am going through a child custody battle. I am raising money to help with my lawyer fees for child custody. I've had to hire two different attorneys over the span of 2 and a half years. I filed one week after I found out my daughter was born in 2018. The mother completely alienated me a few months after she was pregnant. I had to file unknown name for my daughter. I've done everything I could, to taking parenting classes and trying to stay in touch with my daughters grandparents. My case was postponed multiple times over 2 and a half years, twice do to COVID. This resulted in multiple lawyer visits to prepare for a court date that didn't happen and increased my lawyer fees. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

gofundme. com/f/725fak-fathers-rights-child-custody



Are you seeing child at all yet? You are doing the right thing taking parenting classes. Get infant CPR trained if possible. Try not to email the lawyers too much or call them as you can see that all costs money. Sorry you are dealing with this during covid. Hopefully you can get into court and ask for temporary orders right away. Usually start with a few hours and work your way to full days/overnights. Giving mom sole custody is sometimes ok, IF you have a great parenting plan that details everything. Mom will do what she wants , agreement or not so sometimes you just have to choose your battles. Think about a parenting plan that will include what happens when child is in school (if you live in same district), holdiays, days off of school for child, birthdays for you and child, fathers day, halloween). What you agree in the final orders is what will stick until child is 18 so if you do not right it now, you will have to come back and fight for it later. It is harder to change after the first set of final papers. You can ask questions here if you want. Good luck!