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Prayers Please........

Started by hagatha, Mar 20, 2004, 10:29:26 AM

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Hey All,

I know I've been MIA for a while. working till the wee hours of the morning is a killer.

I am having a problem with my daughter. As some of you know she is 19 already. She has met this "Wonderful, perfect, love of her life guy"

 We hate him.

 He, within a month persuaded her to have sex. Will not let her go anywhere with her sister, (formally known as the brat, but a great kid now) or any of her girl friends.  He explodes if she talkes to any of her male friends. Has hit her at least once. Does drugs as a way to punish her for making him mad. And is insisting she "sleep over" even though I have forbidden her to stay.  Has a criminal record but refuses to disclose why he went to jail. (anyone know where I can find his record preferably for free... TM maybe) He is working as a cook in a bar and they think they will be able to get a place and live together. Presently he is living across the street with his friend.

I am so afraid I will loose my daughter to this punk.

Please pray she finds a clue and gets away from him!!!!!!!!!!




Just be the Parent you have always been. She will open her eyes sooner or later. Things will come out, but she'll have to learn this on her own. If she needs you, she will know you are there.

Sounds like a total control freak and she will get tired of it.

Try a google search. Many States have websites for known felons.
Another thought would be, hire a PI. Should be easy to get the dirt on him and if it comes from someone else, she might be more inclined to listen. But it could also make her mad that you had him investigated.

How do her friends like the new boyfriend? Maybe they should talk with her. Sometimes kids listen to others before they listen to their parents.

If his crimes happened in your county, go to the courthouse and look up the records. I think they are public record and you should be able to get copies. Also check his driving records.

Stay strong, no one on this earth is worth losing a child over. Keep the communication open.

The prayers are coming, Good luck!

"Children learn what they live"


Hi Hagatha, good to hear from you again.  Sorry I don't have any advice for you, just moral support and prayers!!!

Keep us informed.


Hi Hagatha...sorry I don't have any advice either...my children are all too young for me to even attempt to tell you how to handle this...but I will pray for you and your daughter...and that she will someday (hopefully sooner than later) realize what kind of guy he is....:)



PM me please. With a little info, I can probably help you out with his record.


Hey hag,

I know what this is like from the other side, when I was 18 or 19 I was enganged to this guy who would not let me talk on the phone, see my friends or family etc, Finally after my friends kept seeking to see me I realized how stupid I was for staying with him and ran to my friends to get away, and let me tell you I am so glad I did.

However at 1st it was hard to leave the relationship, I thought I was in love, that he was great etc, but then my friends brought to my attention how I could never see them hang with them etc.

Please make sure that she knows if she needs you all that your door is always open, part of the reason I didn't leave sooner was I didn't think my family or friends would have me back.

Be strong for her and I pray for her and your family. Hugs to all


Do a search for your state under '(state) circuit court' access.  Many states have this information available.  Even if you can't find info on the felony, you will find other useful information.  Good Luck!