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Started by Brent, Dec 06, 2003, 10:56:36 AM

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Lolololol:  http://www.stupidstuff.org/gentest/gendertest.htm


LOL. I got 13 right.  the 3 I gotwrong were really shemales and I thought they were females. LOL.


13 of 16. I think that's pretty good considering that most look very much like girls. Some shemales I've seen out there not only look like men with make-up, but they are just nasty! BTW, in San Francisco, there is really a law on the books that it is illegal to walk down a public street if you are considered "ugly". LMAO, "Officer, arrest that shemale! He's UGLY!" I love San Francisco.


I got 13 right also...Must be the same three we all got wrong!! LOL...


I got 9 out of 16 wrong.  For me it doesn't matter; if I was a guy, I'd be scared ;-p~~~


I called 2 wrong ... thought they were men!  LMAO

DMcD ... I love San Fran too ... did you know there's another old law in CA that says that a woman cannot dance with a man unless they're married?  

But yours is better .... thank God I don't live in CA anymore - I might be under house arrest!