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Help !!! Tantrums !!

Started by Chooch, Jul 12, 2004, 09:06:20 AM

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"HELP !!!! 3 year old tantrums !!"

           Loking for some advice on how to handle my 3 year old daughter's tantrums...
well, blood curdling screams is more like it ..

My ex and I have joint custody, and my visitation schedule is every wednesday and every other weekend ..

before I bought a house and my daughter had her own bedroom, I had a studio apartment, so .. her and I slept in the same room .. her in her crib and me in my bed...

hence the seperation anxiety ...
bedtime lately has been hell ...

crying, screaming as if someone is kiling her .. wanting daddy to lay down and sleep with her.

these tantrums normally occur at bedtime, but have been increasing with her 3 year old defiance ..

Does anyone have any suggestions ??

Thanks in advance.



She's testing you...but you know that. Wear her out (ie: swimming in the evening, a long walk, hide & seek..) then give her a lONG bath (water wears them out). If you aren't worn out, cozy jamies & bedtime story should help too. Sometimes they get over stimulated during the day, so some Tylenol along with the bath could help (on occasion) also. My 4 year old also likes to look thru books before he falls asleep at night. Don't give in to her trantrums much, she's gotta know who is boss!
Personally I think the 3's were harder then the terrible 2's!!!!!!! Whew, glad we are past that!
Kindest regards;


Is she still in a crib? Possibly a new "big girl bed" would help?

If not I would allow her to sleep in a sleeping bag (or something like that) on the floor next to you. Then slowly each night move her a bit farther away from you, and closer to her room.

After saying that I have a different approach to tantrums then alot of people. My belief is the child is having the tantrum (most the time anyway) BECAUSE they have no control. The parent says do this do that, with no explanation etc. Now dont get me wrong I dont feel I HAVE to explane myself to a child, but I feel it will help my son in showing him how I come to my conclusions. I even allow my 3 year old his own input, I may not change my mind based on his input, but he feels valued and listened too.

I dont know if what I am doing is right or wrong, but I DO know the tantrums are much better so far anyway! Good luck