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Would a pharmacy split pills between parents??

Started by Crockpot, Sep 02, 2008, 06:36:13 PM

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DH's ex is on roll lately.  My SD is on ADHD meds.  BM is trying to hold one over on DH so she told him the next time she gets the prescription filled she's going to tell the pharmacy to split up the pills and make DH pick up his portion himself.  Logic tells me there is no way a pharmacy will do this.  Right?  She'll still have to pay for them all, but she thinks she will only have to take as many as she needs.  


in my experience this is possible.
walgreens does this for my family, as it is necessary.

it is basically the same concept if the pharmacy does not have enough of a drug on hand and must only give you a 'partial fill'. this does not mean that they will charge you for all of the medication. you will pay a partial price and the remainder with the pharmacy has the remainder in stock.
this is from personal experience as well.

hope this helps.

Kitty C.

Unless your SD is on Strattera, she is taking a C2 controlled substance, making it illegal for pharmacies to divide them up.  Most ADHD meds are controlled substances, which means you cannot call or fax the scripts, they have to be written every month and have to be picked up at the doctor's office.

BT, DT for 10+ years.  DS is currently going to tech school in WY, so I am filling his scripts every month and mailing them to him.  I can't even mail the scripts for him to fill there, because they won't fill a C2 drug from an out of state MD.

About the only thing the pharmacy will do is give you an extra bottle with an identical label.  I had to do that when DS had to take his meds at school and the school required new bottles every month.

It would be fun to be a fly on the wall of that pharmacy when she asks them to divide them...they will put her in her place in a hurry!  So tell her your DH will call the MD, pick up the scripts, get them filled and divide them up between your homes if it's such a hassle for her.  Wanna bet she backpedals and says she will do it herself?   :-)
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


all i know is that i live in florida.

i have split a class 4 drug, many times.

i have also had class 4 and class 5 medications called in and faxed more times than i can count. i may have had a written script for these four times in 10 years.

but, try what kitty suggested.


out more that one extra bottle.  I needed two extra bottles, one for school and one for my ex and then of course, the original for home.  They really didn't want to give out more than one extra.  
The wonderful thing about tiggers is I'm the only one!


Interesting.  Sounds like it could go either way.  She's on Adderall, a controlled med.  The script can't be faxed in and is resubscibed each month.  They have given us an empty bottle for the other parent before.  I may have DH called the pharmancy and see what they say.  I'll update.

Kitty C.

Then it is a Class C and I still bet that the pharmacy won't split it, they will only give you an extra bottle.  I would venture to say that I doubt they would do it for any med because of the time it would take.  Considering how long you have to wait for scripts now, if they had to take the time to divide them up, you might have to wait a day or more to get one filled.  They just don't have the time.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


DH called and they will split it.  The person picking it up first will have to pay the entire co-pay but the'll hold some pills in a drawer marked 'paid.'  

This is annoying.  BM is being a bi*ch about this.  She'll see DH on Sunday for the exchange.  God forbid she bring the pills.  She wants him to drive 20 miles out of his way to the pharmacy.  

Kitty C.

Wow!  I am amazed.  I still think it's illegal, but I'm wondering if BM got to the pharmacy first and gave them some sob story about maybe having a no-contact order with your DH (heaven forbid) and that prevents her from giving the medication directly to him.

If your curiosity gets the better of you, contact your state pharmacy board and tell them what's going on.  They may want to know about it.  ;-)
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


class 1-5 refers to controlled substances.
the classification using lettering, like 'class c' refers to the system used to classify drugs based on the threat to an unborn fetus.... during pregnancy.

Adderall is a class II drug for controlled substances.

it seems ridiculous that BM would do this. initially i thought it was about the cost... but you are saying that BM paid for it. what is the point? did she give a reason?

seems like BM is unreasonably frustrating DH's access to the child's medication.

a contentious parent would go out of their way to make it possible for their child to receive proper medical treatment.