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Paternity Fraud

Started by ablakmanz, Jul 26, 2004, 06:03:58 AM

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I discovered that there's another man's name on the birth certificate of the child that I was duped into supporting and the state that she resides, Pennsylvania, and her mother refuses to give me a paternity test. I live in Georgia and am constantly being sanctioned by the OCSE, of the county where I live and the CS order was originated in Virginia. On May 11, 2004 the Courts in Virginia declined to have jurisdiction over this case because neither party has lived there for a period of years.

Is it possible to get the original order suspended or terminated if it, the original support order, was obtained under fraudulent terms? The mother of this child informed me while I was over seas that tis cjhild was mine and when I got back to the states, in 1994, I married the mother under the assumption that the child was mine---we lived together for approximately three moths before I fired the mother of this child because she was sleeping with my best friend. Because I was in the Navy, they called my command everyday until I was forced to go downtown and get a support oreder or get kicked out of thew Navy. Oh, did I mention that the child was three years old when I first met her?There is a case similiar to mine in front of the US Supreme Court---can I use that as a catalyist to get all actions suspended until the USSC renders teir decision?

May 11, 2004 was the first time I saw the child since 1995 and there is no relationship there at all. I do not have the funds to fight many wars. I cannot care for my present family, pay lawyer fees, and pay child support or the OCSE purge amounts. I need to do as much as possible to save myself money---what can I do?


Your best bet is to get an attorney and get a paternity test ordered through the appropriate courts.  If it is found that you are not the father and your name is not on the birth certificate then you stand a reasonable chance of having the support stopped.  Do not however think that you will be able to get any of it back.  The line you will hear is that it is in the best interest of the child for the mother not to repay the money.

For God has not given a spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind.  1 Peter 1:6


to the date of filing, so get cracking. If there are arrears they MAY waive them. Choose the state (yours or hers) that has better guidelines for you and have the order transferred there. Then a paternity test can be ordered.

However, suppose the child really is yours?
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


I really wish that someone passed a law that will convict parents (especially mothers) that intentially file fradulous child support orders on the fathers that are not the actual father.  Either make them pay that money back or throw them in jail.  My boyfriend is going through the same hell. He just found out a few months ago that his 7 year old is not his. (Has not had a paternity test because he can't afford it). He is continuing to pay court ordered child support through garnishment of half of his check. So we are in the process of taking the steps to get this taken care of.  We live in Texas so wish us luck.