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Going for contempt without a lawyer

Started by WhatToDo, Jan 03, 2007, 02:22:07 PM

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You need to look at the date the court order was issued. From that date very next weekend  is the begining of every other weekend. So make sure that you are attempting to excersize your visitation on the correct weekend. Otherwise your ex can argue that you are attempting to excersize visitiation on a weekend that is not court ordered.
Am I right Soc?


>You need to look at the date the court order was issued. From
>that date very next weekend  is the begining of every other
>weekend. So make sure that you are attempting to excersize
>your visitation on the correct weekend. Otherwise your ex can
>argue that you are attempting to excersize visitiation on a
>weekend that is not court ordered.
>Am I right Soc?

The SD guidelines may affect this issue. If not, then the date of entry into the court file, not the date of the judge's signature, is the date from which the rotation begins.


>So when she doesn't show up...
>1. Should I send her another letter immediately asking for 2
>weekends after this one? (so it stablishes the every other
>weekend agreement)

Having read your orders, I think that you should be able to absolutely identify which weekends you have and which you do not. This should eliminate the need for any further letters.

>2. Or should I send her lawyer the letter of intent and ask
>him to relay the message to her?

Send the attorney a letter stating that you are dismayed at your ex's continued frustration of your visitation rights, and that you would appreciate it if the attorney would explain how important it is for the child to have continuing contact with both parents.

Then say that you will be arriving to visit the child on ??/??/??, per the court orders, that you plan to have a disinterested witness present to record the transfer, and that if the child is not present, that you will have no alterantive but to file a motion for contempt, because it's unfair to both the child and yourself that visitation be so casually interfered with.

CC: the parent on the letter.


Thank you to all of you. I will find out what day the court order was entered and go from there. This has all been VERY helpful. At least now I feel like I MIGHT be going in the right direction from here!