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Sorry- this should have said: Let's play "Pin The Blame On The Man"

Started by Brent, Dec 11, 2003, 09:10:06 PM

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If it was my grandbaby, I would have gotten to them before the cops.  However, we cannot underestimate the shock this woman is going through.  I would be a babbling idiot over something like this.  Brent, don't go there )(


>-----Come on Brent, what do you expect Grandma to say? -----

The truth would be nice.


>Also on the Today show, when asked about her daughter, she did
>say her daughter has had a VERY difficult life, and had big
>time "problems" throughout.  

Lots of us have had difficult lives, but that's no excuse for killing your children. It sounds so much better to have a man to blame for such a heinous act.


"She was my only child. My only grandkids. I don't have any more," Danison said, her voice breaking. "And I'll never have them."

[p]--Aren't women giving birth in prison from conjugal visits all of the time? Her daughter can always have more, let gramma have custody since she'll be in prison waiting for her death penalty and have the state pay them welfare.

[p]You can't replace one human being with another.  No one can replace those poor babies :-(

[p]If you were being sarcastic....it helps to use the universal tag:/sarcasm.

[p]Thank you.


What is the truth?  Amanda and Maurice killed three children.  Could you honestly handle this, as their grandpa?  Could you keep your head together on national tv, when confronted yet again what you daughter did to your grandbabies?  Imagine the "if onlies".  

I need to get my girl away from her bf....

Indigo Mom

And there's still a father "missing".  I believe the 2 men on the show this morning were the fathers of the oldest two boys.  I didn't hear a thing about the babys father.  


Lots of us have had difficult lives, but that's no excuse for killing your children. It sounds so much better to have a man to blame for such a heinous act.

[p]Brent I seem to remember articles that you've posted where the BOYFRIEND of the mother is the most likely man to do harm to children.

[p]Maurice is Amanda's bf, not the father of any of the kids.

[p]Wish I had seen the interview.  Besides Grandma, those fathers are in for a world of second guessing and pain....

Indigo Mom

-----Lots of us have had difficult lives, but that's no excuse for killing your children. It sounds so much better to have a man to blame for such a heinous act.-----

I'm not the one blaming the man, I feel they're both responsible for this.



don't have 'em if you don't want 'em.  Even from her grave, my mom would have figured out a way....