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What happened to soc???

Started by jenjen, Apr 26, 2007, 07:15:14 AM

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It's been awhile since accessing sparc's is soc no longer with us?
I wish sparc's could notify me/us as to the current changes....will soc be back?
I really would like to thank him again for all his opinions and discussions. is it true that he is on another site? please anyone with info concerning soc please respond.....thanks


He up and vanished like a fart in the wind. At least that's what the forum members were told.

Without the members knowing, someone started filling in and was acting as SOC. When the "soc wannabe" hinted he needed to be paid for his services here, he got flamed real good and rightfully so.

Sparc has given no updates since then, and as obvious by fellow forum members now giving legal advice here on Soc's board, no replacement has been found.

He will be missed for sure.



I'm remembering a brief 2 or 3 line vebage by Soc 2 or 3 years ago about a probable departure about the time he vanished .  Some one quizzed him at the time and to the best of my knowledge there was no confirmation.  

Me thinks Soc is busy working on his wife's run for the White House.

And Soc, if you read this let me apologize in advance rather I'm right or wrong.


That's just gross to link Soc with the female presidential hopeful.

I don't believe that this person you are alluding to has the intelligence of Soc. Nor, does he have the experience in PAS and family law litigation issues.

Not a democrat or republican - just a person who refuses to participate in the process altogether.


**That's just gross to link Soc with the female presidential hopeful.

The post was sarcastic humor and Soc would know that .. very sorry if you or anyone is offended !!

**I don't believe that this person you are alluding to has the intelligence **of Soc. Nor, does he have the experience in PAS and family law **litigation issues.


**Not a democrat or republican - just a person who refuses to **participate in the process altogether.

I realize you don't know anything about me.  IMHO, we (and our children) have all been FORCED to participate .................


And was just going with it.

No, not offended at all.

You are right in a sense about being forced to participate. I refuse to register to vote and participate in the election process. Until I see a party (new one I think we need!) that offers a candidate who I believe is qualified for the job and has our nation's best interest at heart, I would rather abstain.

However, I truly don't expect to see this happen in my lifetime. I do realize that we live in a great country. I love my country, however, I do not love the corrupt political machine at work here. We could be doing so much more for ourselves, yet don't.

Ramblings for another post or even message board I suppose.

I wish we could get a final report on what happened to Soc. I know alot of us would feel so much better about it if we had some closure.


It would indeed be nice if we knew what happened with Soc, but even Admin does not know.
He did not let anybody know, didn't give notice, just vanished into thin air.
It is a mystery as much to SPARC as it is to you.



I have to chime in with my sorrow about Soc's departure.  he was perhaps the last and best "elder statesman".  The guy was the only attorney I ever trusted snd i learned enough from him t never trust another one!  Thanks Soc for all you've done, advice given, and time spent helping us.  There will never be another one like our Soc.