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Started by Michfra, Aug 10, 2005, 05:35:35 AM

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Hi everyone, I have just joined and wanted to say hello to each and every one of you.


The Battle´s lost but not the war


Welcome to the club from California.  All children need both their parents, it is your Constitutional right to be a parent.  Write letters to Congress.  We the people need to change the laws.  Hang in there.


But just for the record, I fought a 5 year battle to get my son back.  It's a long sad story...but he's here. I will say that the family courts were abssolutely NO help in any of it. What turned out to make the change was the strong love between parent and child...

My son is now back with me.



Olanna I didn't know your son was back, when did that happen.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


can you say HAPPY? Cuz I sure can!


That is great Olanna, I am happy for you and the kids

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


I'm new to this board and just read your posting and almost cried.

I might be in the same situation you where in.  I had custody of my son after my divorce, but 3 years later, my hours at work became irregular and since I have 10+ years and great wages, benefiets, etc. I couldn't just up & leave.  So, after a long heart to heart with my ex I let my son live with  him and for some dumb reason, let him have custody.  Against the advice of my lawyer, because I thought she just wanted more money.  

I realize now thought that I have the best lawyer ever.  She really has it in her heart to win for her clients and if anyone ever wants to use her, her name is LYNNE MILFORD and she is in FORT WORTH.  

Anyway, although over the years, between my ex and I, we never followed the court orders and always split the time with our son almost 50/50.  But the first time I pissed my ex off by turning down his sexual advances, he decides he wants to go strictly by the order.  Now I only see my son every other weekend and one night a week for two hours.  
My son hates, it hate.  My son never wanted to live with him anyway.  

So, it's off to court we go.  We just started our social study and I went to my first interview feeling like I had to defend myself by accusations he's made and 80% of the interview was about myself as a kid, a teen, and a young adult and our marriage.  Well, it's not pretty but it's also who I am not today.  I have learned from my mistakes and experiences but I feel like my social worker is going to judge me on my past and not as I am today.  

Did anyone else get that feeling in their social study?  What more can I do to prove I am the better parent?  I am more of a positive, spirtual, nurturing person for my son that my ex is.



His name was Laney and he's a 9th district court judge in the south.  He decided that since I owed money, he would take away all visitation from me..and mind you, he assigned the arrears the same day he took away visitation. When I tried to appeal that decision, no lawyer wanted to touch it, and described me as the dark horse, the one woman they were going to make an example of in the court system.

I went through a lot of things to maintain contact and I wouldn't change anything I did.  Those things made the difference of me getting my son back out here with me.  He's 16 now, and he is going to high school in my town and we love having him here.  It was pretty simple. He told his Dad he didn't want to live with him anymore. His Dad told him to go and never come back.

But he doesn't know that I already offered his Dad $$$$$ to end this thing and he accepted. Since my son came up with the idea to come out here, my ex is angry and hurt.  Now he is refusing to sign custody...(come on, the kid is 16 and already living with me...Dad let him come out here!)  So, I guess we will settle it in court.  But no matter, he is here with me now.  

And I am betting your son will be with you, too, one day soon.