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I don't mean to brag....

Started by leftoverinmn, Jan 09, 2005, 09:25:55 AM

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I'm with everyone else in saying congratulations and can we give you our ex's number to call her and tell her what our $1700.00 a month can go for.............. YEP you heard me right, $1700.00 and she couldn't even make enought money to pay a stinking water, cable, and (old) jeep payment.  Our money paid for the morgage and  had enough left over for gorceries... She sold the house and now lives in a ratty 3 bdrm apartment in a crappy part of town.  She doesn't even buy the kids new school clothes, yet she is wearing all the brand name stuff and has $300.00 sun glasses.  AMAZING isn't it.  

Well, any ways way to go on getting cs.... YIPPEE


ROFLMAO!!!!  Now that was funny!!!!  I just don't get some of these BM's that don't spend the CS on the kids.  I will confess CS has come in handy on a waterbill or Van Payment here and there, but I LOVE to buy stuff for my kids with it!!  Actually I need to be stopped usually.  I should be putting it away in a savings account, but I can not resist a clearance rack to save my life!

What do you Dad's or SM's think about that?  What do you do when the kids have everything they need, do you think the BM's should put the money in a savings account or should it contribute to the other things they use like groceries, lights,  etc?  I am just wondering.

I am a Bm and SM, I get CS but my DH does not..he is supposed to, but yeah...  Good post RT ..I'm still giggling. :)


My two boys got gift certificates to Best Buy and when I took them there to spend their gift cards they each selected a computer game. Both of them went over by about ten bucks and since I was out of money personally.. you know.. christmas... I used their CS!

Whew.. I feel better getting that off my chest!


Well, I think you were well within your rights to do that!  LOLLOL  Who said that just because you receive CS your kids have to eek by?  We pay CS and as long as my sd has clothes to wear, food on the table and a roof over her head, I am absolutely happy that the cs is spent on computer games, nail polish, cute pillows, or whatever else sd wants.


I am a SM only, no children of my own and no Ex.  

I think that CS is for the child in all their needs.  A child not only needs clothes and toys but electricity, water, a warm blanket, a car (the CP's) that runs, a roof over their head, etc.

I don't have a problem with part of my DH's CP check going to HELP pay SOME OF the bills at BM's house.  A child is using the electricity and the water and eats food too.  

However I do have issue when BM tells us that she can't afford school clothes for SD and tells us to buy them for her, when we just handed her a check that is more than a week's Net Pay for my DH, and BM has just returned from the salon where she got a manacure, a pedicure, and her hair done!!!!!

BM's who use CS on themselves not the child and the child's needs bug me.  Other than that I say the Cascade, Tide, Water bill, etc are just fine to use some of the CS on.

If you have extra left over I would start a 529 for the child and start saving for their college.



Good Gawd!  My ex bought a 40 foot acmping trailer with my support and the savings bonds the kid's grandfather has been buying them since birth!  Sure wish you were my ex!


I have both sides on this. I have a child that gets child support and my husband paies child support. Yes i put child support the my son gets in to my checking account and it gets mixed up with all the rest of the money that is in there. My sons has all his needs and most of his wants meet. I do not keep track to make sure i spend all of his money on him. But I put my kids and my step son befor my needs anyway.  On the other side My step son's will need things at there mother's  house and we end up getting it for them and sending it home with them like new sneakers winter hats and gloves,  $300.00 in new school clothes and much more. There mother gets 125.00 a week in cs. and we end up getting them new sneakers and there hair cuts. She has new things and a cell phone and her live in boyfriend that does not work has a cell phone.  That does not make me happy at all.