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It's final, I lost the appeal. Parkman is history.

Started by Rakkasan, Nov 12, 2004, 03:29:33 PM

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It's final, I lost the appeal. Parkman is history.   I may be able to say more later, not now

The Rak


Know it's hard, you are not alone.

Nothing in life is permanant....

She may have him the first 18 years, but YOU WILL HAVE HIM THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!


I don't know what to say, Rak.  Just that I'm sorry and you are in my prayers -- along with Parkman.  

I don't believe that it's done yet.  I don't believe that he'll forget you or totally turn against you.  You may need to work to repair the damage, but I believe that HE'LL come to you when he is old enough.

(I'm formerly "lucky2be" and "cleliaj".)

Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. ~  Will Rogers


I am so sorry, Rak. I wish that there was something I could do, besides pray. Your love & devotion will win out in the end. I know he will not forget all you did for & with him. Some how, he will want all that back in his life. I pray that it doesn't take too long.

Good luck & God bless.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression!



I am so sorry, I know how hard you have worked to protect and be with your son.

Parkman will know  later in life all you did to try to be with and protect him.

Prayers to you and yours.


I dont know what more to say... your dedication has and will continue to be inspiring.



I have not followed your whole story.  

In my case I was fighting for 50/50 custody. In my county Dads fight for 50/50 custody and moms fight for Sole custody.  I do NOT think a Sole Custody Dad exists in my county.

I have been there, the pain one feels is horrible.

Since losing my son and now experiencing an every other weekend seclude I ran across and am using a Custody Coach.  

He has helped me, perhaps he can help you.

Steven Carlson
Orange County, CA
(714) 379-0850
[email protected]


Oh Rak, this just breaks my heart for you and Parkman.  I am so sorry to hear this.  But remember, you are a wonderful Dad and Parkman loves you!!  He WILL be back in your life again!!  I will be praying for you both.



You are in my prayers.  Please remember that your son is NOT history.  He'll be legal age soon enough.  Children know who really love them, and he will be with you when he is able to.  

Hang tough, Rak...


My heart is breaking for you. We have known each other so long and I have shared so much of your story and love for Parkman. I do not understand God's way but I do believe in time Parkman will be an adult and come looking for his dad. The PAS has been so overwhelming. I know you must move on now and how hard this will be for you. But do not give up hope that he will grow up and see the light in time.
If you need to talk when you are ready, email me and we can chat on ICU. Been out of the picture as my health has not been good the past 6 months but am on the road to recovery now. God be with you, RAK.