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Indiana Vehicle lien

Started by c_alexander, Jul 13, 2005, 02:36:40 PM

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Recently my parents helped me out big time and purchased a vehicle for me to help with my move to Colorado. Although we put the car in my name, it is property of my parents as they own it and I will be making car payments to them for the vehicle. Today I got a letter from the state saying they were putting a lien on the car until I payed up on my child support. My support is some $15,000 behind becauase the state BROKE their own child support laws and set the CS amount much higher then they were suppsoe to then would not fix their own error several years later.  I was told the ONLY way the lien can be removed is if I pay up on my CS...which is practically impossible.

I swear to God the government is out to screw us all. They pretend to be our friends and say they are there to keep us safe from terrorists....all the while they tighten the noose. I doubt there would even BE any terrorists to begin with if our governemnt actually had decent diplomatics. Secondly these "elected officals" which are sworn to sever our needs...meaning the ENTIRE population of the US...have lost touch with reality. In history another country had a problem like this...It was called France and when the people finally stood up and screamed that they had had enough heads started to roll if you know what I mean. They called it the french revolution, and if these politicians  don't wake up soon there is another one coming. I do not condone violence or overthrowing the government mind you, but something MUST be done about these people lying, cheating and stealing from us.

As for the car I guess I am stuck with it forever. I can buy a new car in colorado and Indiana can't really touch it, but as far as this one goes I am just screwed.  Guess I am gonna drive the wheels off of it then junk it.

Did I mention I hate Indiana!?!


Sorry, but I can't totally agree with this vent of yours this time in full.


I agree that Indiana has some major flaws.  We are from Indiana, the court took 3.5 YEARS to render an emergency child support obligation and custody.  Then once the order came out the judge acknowledged his failure to make an obligation that rendered us severly in arrears, but also made an order for a repayment amount.  That was being followed for 4 years before the state agency came along, froze all our accounts and forced the premature sale of our retirement in order to collect the money that the judge ruled upon and we had faithfully paid.  That agency REFUSED to work with us even after we showed them the courts orders and told them that we would loose our home and they would put us in the street with a minor living at home, their response was that that child is our problem that they are only interested in the child from the first marriage.   Why can the court make an order but then the state nullify that order without proper due process?  There would never have been any isssue if the court did not take 3.5 years to rule on our petitions, which included 7 court hearings over that timeframe that did not result in any order from the court.  ONe last thing, when we finally got an order it was signed and dated for one time, then the judge crossed out that date and wrote int he date it was actually filed with the court, meaning - it sat around the court house for 6 months before it finally got to us.......but let biomom file an emergency petition to force us to take the kid to some activity he did not want to go to, the court set a date for less than a week after filing and an order on the same day as the hearing,imagine that.........


If I were NOT paying my CS that would be one thing, but I have voluntarily notified the prosecutors office EVERYTIME I have switched jobs, if I am not expecting a check that week, or as in my current case if I am moving. I am paying it and within the courts requirments. If the courts are satisfied with the way that I am paying my CS then WHY does the state want to step up and put a lien on a car my parents own, but is titled in my name? I'll tell you exactly why. Indiana as most states makes money off of child support collection. They recieve approxiamtely $8.00 in revenue for every $1 they collect thanks to Bill Clintons welfare reforms. If you don't believe me look it up yourself. The state cares not for the well being and safety of my child....they let my ex take her halfway across the country alienating me from my child. They ONLY care about cash flow. This new policy is the work of Mitch Daniels. A governor that will soon be out of office if he continues this kind of garbage.

Sadly it's not jsut Indiana that is greedy like this. The problem stems from politicians on the state and federal levels that have completely and totally lost touch with reality and the way true americans live their lives. Agree with me or not, I don't much care....sooner or later though you'll discover the truth for yourself. I now I have.  I have never been one to basht he government or think up unusual conspiracy theorys or anything like that. I was as patriotic as anyone else. It wasn't until I really started paying attention to what kinds of laws the government was passing and what kind of things were going on that I began to see the truth and it makes me sad. I wish people would understand that we don't have to live this way....but they never will.

Aside from my vent I figure that I am stuck with this car till it falls apart. With my move I will be able to purchase a vehicle in Colorado without Indiana being able to touch it, but thanks to these new laws I won't be able to sell this car legally until I get the arrears paid up, which will take YEARS.  ..and as I work myself to death and starve to pay off this unconstitutional debt my ex wife lives in a $500,000 home with all the comforts, 2 new cars, etc, etc. Makes a lot of sense.


hey, where can I get a few of your ribbons?  Have you considered the bracelets too?  Let me know - Thanks!


All the information on my ribbons, how to order them and everything..including an updat eon my move and link to other noteably parents rights websites can be found at my website: http://ncpribbon.blogspot.com/

I should mention that on Tuesday July 19th, 2005 I am moving from Indiana to Colorado to be closer to my 10 year old daughter Jessie. ( This is one of the main reasons why I was selling the ribbons) so there may be a delay of a couple days in getting out any orders placed this week. I PROMISE though that they will get there.

To date I have sold 823 ribbons and have 113 left before I have to reorder. I had hoped to try selling these locally to gas stations, or out in fromnt of a store, street corner perhaps, but have not had time with my move being moved up more then 2 weeks. Hopefully I can get something set up in Colorado once I get there. The more of these that are out there the louder our voice will be. In my case I am fortuneate enough to be moving closer to my daughter and my ex wife and I have finally come to some common ground in working out the parenting of our daughter. I think abig part of it was my dedication to making this move happen. Made her realize jsut how serious I was in being a good father to Jessie. Jsut because my situation has worked itself out howeverI don't want anyone thinking that I am giving up the fight for parents rights. I still am VERY dedicated to seeing equality in family law.

At any rate if anyone needs to get in touch with me the best way for the first few weeks is going to be via my e-mail at: [email protected] please feel free to contact me if you need any help, have questions, or jsut want to comment.

Best wishes...my next post will be from Colorado !!!! woo hoo


"Although we put the car in my name, it is property of my parents as they own it and I will be making car payments to them for the vehicle"

Actually, the car is your property and you own it as your name is on the title. It doesn't matter that your making payments to your parents, it's still titled in your name and thus is your property.

When my ex split, she took a car that was titled in my name. Although it was her car and she paid for it, I was liable for anything that happened ie an accident, accident resulting in injury or death etc.. I made sure I signed title over to her so I would be off the hook in case something happened. Sure enough, a month later she got into an accident. Now that the car is in her name, it's her problem.

Best of luck to you.