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Email, 07-24-2005

Started by SPARC Admin, Jul 24, 2005, 12:21:38 PM

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Well lets see I was a single mom with a true dead beat I BREAST FED, AND PUMPED, so his family could also fee our child.

and the statement about keeping his penis his pants, obvioulsy she didn't keep her LEGS CLOSED

What a nut bag.


>>Your web site is not the appropriate approach to helping dads fight for visitation and I am offended by what I have read.<<

I have gained great insights from this web-site over the past 5 years which have been directly instrumental in assisting me to win not only VISITION BUT CUSTODY of my child.  NO WONDER MONKEY LOVE HATES THE SITE!!!

>>If you want to help foster the parent ? child contact you should avoid words such as -bogus argument, her duty to the child and any other negative connotations.<<

What difference does it make what kind of verbiage is used on this web-site?  It is clear to all of us clear thinking men and fathers how we are to conduct ourselves in public and in court and we certainly do not neet some simpering "mommy" whiping our chins for us before we go into court where her first instinct is to bloody our noses in the eyes of the judge anyway.

"Avoid such words as..."  Jesus Holy Christ! Now I have to worry that I might offend a feminazi on a father's rights (or should I say parent's rights website)?

And notice she insists that we refrain from usage of "her duty to the child" which she goes on to equate with a "negative connotation".

What rubbish spit up out of the old whittened sepulcher!

>>You should emphasize the best interest of the child.<<

Yes, yes, yes, we have learned how the feminist front manipulates the courts through devisive usage of verbiage: "The Best Interest of THe Child" ONLY WHEN IT APPLIES TO BENDING DAD OVER AND LETTING MOM STEAL HIS LIVELIHOOD AND HIS CHILDREN.  What best interest of the child!

>>I am a breastfeeding mother with no objections to letting a dead beat dad have his day in court<<

Ah, wonderful, somehow her learning how to lay back and let the biological process of motherhood run it's course has been confused with justification of raping the father of her child in a court of law and refusing to acknowledge the basic rights of his part of the process she wants us to applaud her for enjoying.


>>but I don?t agree with the bogus argument of breastfeeding and did not use it as an excuse.<<

You even bring it up (which you did) and it is the same as the evangilist who afer handling snakes, and being moved by the holy ghost now waves the crutches of the "faith-healed" child in our faces demaning our CONTRIBUTIONS.

In short, it is a confidence game.  I breatfeed, therefore I provide, therefore I am good and worhty, so let's stone the "Dead-Beat".

With logic like that who needs lukemia.

>>If you really want to foster a good relationship with both parents<<

I'm sorry I forgot to observe the "Let's All Group Hug And Love One ANother" sign over the door.  Unless I am mistaken, it is wrong to expect a battered woman to stay in a blindly abusive relationship, and likewise I think it is WRONG and NEGATIVE to insist that father's pretend to think fondly of the way we are beaten into the dirt by a system which is cold anc calcualting.

>>tell the guy to keep his dick in his pants<<

Sweety, one round in family law court with the likes of you and nobody has to tell dad nothing about keeping his dick in his trousers.

>>and his fists of the woman<<

See, I dind't even see anywhere where this woman even alleges to have been stricken by her man... did she, or am I blind?

No, rather she examplifies that EVEN THOUGH STATISITCS SPEAK TO MORE MEN BEING HOSPITALIZED AND KILLED IN DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CALLS (probalby because our society has accepted the emasculation of our men) all one has to do is suggest that a man has hit a woman and suddenly that wins the case and there goes the baby with the bath water.


>>and for Christ?s sake<<

There it is... the Holy Ghost Spirit Money Shot.

>>love and adore the child, not foster the hate relationship.<<

LOVE prevails when BOTH parents participate equally in the life of their child or children.  Statistiacally we have found irrefutably that it is detrimental to the best interest of any child and all parties involved to allow the mindless perpetuation of the current gender-bias which permates our so-called Family Law system.

Children need their fathers as much if not more now in this day and age than ever before.

Anyone who so glibly recommends the blame be put on the penis of the father needs to seriously consider raising their point of reasoning above the waist and stop the blame-game.  Otherwise that's no mom at all.


I think it is WONDERUFUL when these snakes slither out from under their rocks to start spitting venom at the decent fathers they so despise.

It goes to show how their stupid arguments must fail and are beginning to fail with more and more frequency.

SHe states that this is not an apppropriate site for father to... whatever, but notice the self evident facts:

A.  Feminazi's always go on and on about the brutalizing men and how we need to "communicate" rather than lashing out.

B.  Men, Fathers and concerned women and mom's get togehter to share intelligent though on how to solve the problems rather than just whining about them and we get attacked.

C. Circular reasoning is used in courts and always loops back to the stupid blank stare of a mom or a lawyer on a mom's bahlf who just got done saying (not in so many words) she's the dad, he's the mom... give her what she wants becuase he is somehow to... naughty to get what he's asking for.

OF course they talk themselves in circles... they are so used to the formulaic man hating jargon that they don't even realize the half of them that they are using antiquated loopholes in a system the most of which nobody even traces back to their origin in some antiquated reasoning.


I hope you sent that to her. I might, just to make sure she gets it. :)