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Started by Imom, Feb 10, 2004, 09:44:10 AM

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There is a guy on the Indian board that has no visitation, I gave him a little advise but I think he needs advise on how to go pro se , as he lives in another state then the child and does not have a lot of money, If there is anyone here from Indiana and/or could give him advise how to do that because I don't know my self how too, I told him to stop by these boards to ask??????????


I'll be honest here,,

Unless he has devoted about a year to intensive study of the relevant family law, and practiced writing his own motions, its very unlikely he will accomplish much. My best advise to him is still retain an attrny at least for the early phases,, until he can get a handle on how to do this himself.

Get him to post here,, there are plenty of pro se litigants can tell him where to start.