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To those who have been following my posts and any others interested!

Started by Stepmom0418, Sep 22, 2004, 04:59:08 PM

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Thank you!!

The biggest victorys today were:

1) Getting to set aside the mediation agreement and to go to trial!!

2) The WITH prejudice on the contempts!!

3) The fact that if and when she messes up it is on record this time and I am sure a judge is not going to be too happy if we come back on the contempts!

4) We SHOULD get to see SS with a little less DRAMA from BM but there again I am not going to count my chickens before they hatch either!


When we were in court last Thursday Bm agreed that DH could have SS for the day on 9-26 (sunday) from 8 am to 7 pm for a family get together b/c father in law is having pace maker put in on Tuesday. (father in law requested ALL his kids and grandkids be at this get together) Anyways BM agreed but it was off the record and not in the new CO, so we really didnt think that we would get him for the day given her track record.

We showed up at 8 am as we arranged and to much of a suprise BM had SS up and ready to go!!

SS gets in the car and tells DH and I how much he missed us! (bm denied last 2 visits) Then he told us that he heard all kinds of "bad" things about us from his BM but that he doesnt believe what she said either!! He also said that he KNEW that we did come to pick him up at his house too!!

We went to my grandmas house where all of the rest of the kids were waiting.........they had no idea where we went or that SS was coming for the day. We didnt want to get their hopes up just in case!

We walked in and all the kids were shocked!!

We had a wonderful day!!! It was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(when dh picked up ss and when we took him home Bm acted like nothing ever happened in court and never said a bad word)

Dh hopes that the contempts hanging over her head have her a bit scared and HOPEFULLY she wont deny any more of DH's time!!!!!


I am so glad ss was able to make it, sounds like you all had a great time.


**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


If she is anything like our bm, she will start up again soon.  Don't mean to be a downer.  :(  We have been video taping all of the exchanges just in case.  Good luck to you and yours!


We dont really expect that she will keep following the CO but at this time we are just glad we got to see SS. Especially since she seems to like the drama.

For us the drama is getting old and we dont like it at all.

We just wish that she could see the hurt she causes SS when she denies dh his visits.

Since we still have 9 counts of contempt hanging over her head maybe she will follow the CO for a while. If not back to court we will go!!! (might be wishful thinking that she will follow the co at all given her track record but at least we seen him sunday)

Dh is not going to stand there and let her interfeer with his time any longer!! It has got old and has started to really affect the kids that live with us.


Congrats to you and your hubby!!

I know it's been said over and over...make sure you keep great records.  I keep a journal and calendar of everything and it helps in court.  usually the other party is just sitting there lying with no proof of anything.  I think it's wonderful that as a stepmother you take suce a vested interest in your step child.  Your husband is lucky.  Most step parents aren't as considerate as you are.

Congrats again!

