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Started by DecentDad, May 02, 2006, 01:08:32 PM

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>Yeah, yeah, I know I'm delving into emotional reaction on a
>legal guidance board.  I'm trying to manage both concurrently
>(hence wondering if I'm able to handle the legal aspect right
>now and questioning if an attorney could do anything different
>over next 30 days).
>Two more questions...
>1.  Court appointed GAL that OC proposed.  You'd still leave
>it up to the GAL to make decision on psychologist?

Yes, because (1) it defuses any possibility of a dispute or waste of time, and (2) it shows that you have faith in the GAL right from the get go (assuming that you make certain that the GAL knows you proposed the idea) which could get you on his/her good side immediately, especially if your ex objects to the idea.

>2.  If I get evidence indicating child misses the overnights
>in my home or is definitively not suicidal, what's the legal
>vehicle I use to bring it to the court?  Ex Parte?  Normal OSC
>is 21 calendar days out, so that seems moot given that we're
>already on calendar for June 6.

Sure, ex parte. There was no irreparable harm last time, so what's good for the goose, etc. Only, you have been deprived of time with your child, so you actually have irreparable harm, i.e., time that can never be recovered.


My first attorney, with whom I remained on good terms (and have hired hourly as needed) replied to me, saying:

A.  Her experience with this GAL is very good, as is his reputation.  So, that puts my mind more at ease.

B.  She (like you) feels I'm not being punished, but that the court had no choice, and that it's possible the judge gave mom enough rope to hang herself (i.e., this attorney calls it an opportunity for me, not a blow).

C.  Create a chronological summary of the case for the GAL, atop copies of past pleadings that are highlighted in important spots.

D.  She's willing to be retained again, but she voices that I should be able to manage this myself, doesn't know what she'd offer right now.

So... I'm feeling good, given that your long-distance, uninvolved gut and legal advice is affirmed by someone with her feet on local soil (and who more intimately knows my case history).

Thanks for "talking" it through for me.   I really appreciate it.