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50/50 custody, night with mom day with dad???

Started by Savant, Mar 03, 2007, 08:47:34 PM

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The fair switch would be to week to week plan. Then she would need to get daycare every other week. And each of you get same # sleepovers, etc.

It's sounds so familiar how it is ALL ABOUT HER. we have similar BM, she uses the same statement that we are stunting her career. We have heard it before. Our BM wanted move out of state for a "2 year temp job". When we wouldn't allow her to remove SD, from the state she blamed us for her entire financial promlems thereafter, for YEARS. It was even our fault her relationships didn't work out.

Good grief. Don't let those comments get to you. Just turn around and tell her it's not healthy for the children to be shifted around so much in one-day. Put thier needs ahead.

If she would like to set-up a week on week off, and you can watch them during her week that is OK.

Then you see then everyday, and every other week they spend the night.


Great suggestion. She saves on child support and he gets to see the kids every day.

Unfortunately, she sounds a lot like my stbx, and my experience is that people like her won't consider anything reasonable like that.


She is trying to make you a babysitter while she can pursue her new career.  Free daycare, that is all she is looking for.  How frustrating for you.

I would keep telling her no, especially since you said the kids like the arrangement as it is now.

I don't know of any court that would order that type of custody arrangement.

Good luck!


Quite frankly- I htink your XW is blowing smoke.  how couldit be in the children's best interests to be with her while they sleep.  They might as well sleep where they have been all day long!  Sheesh.

I would never agree.  But I do like th eidea of telling her that you will "help" her by taking thechildren any time she needs to work, extraovernights, keeping them when she has to travel.  tell her she need not feel stunted in her career by being a mother- al ot of us are moms and still manage to have careers- even successful ones.