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Custody of my 13, 8 and 7 year old children

Started by mykidsmom2000, Jul 17, 2014, 10:15:23 AM

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Since he didn't object to the move several years ago, would it be looked at as disrupting them again?  They'd be moving back to their old school, but in my mind...that's still a disruption.  And my youngest never went to school there.  Trying not to worry about it...I really have been a good mom and there's no reason to take the kids from me, and no reason to split up the kids. 


On the insurance thing....WHO is supposed to carry insurance (i.e. court ordered)...and to follow up with that which insurance is primary (like if both parents are ordered to carry it -- which birthday comes first in the year -- yours or his OR stepmoms?)  HR at everyone's company SHOULD be allowed to tell you what insurance company they have for their employees.  Then you write/tell those companies and give them a copy of the current order AND give them your insurance information.   See....mine (according to federal law) paid last....so when a bill was created and EX asked for half, since I told mine about the other insurances -- they forced the issue about filing through other insurances and THEN there might be a "half" left over for me to reimburse him.

If you're supposed to carry it, and your birthday comes first, WRITE and TELL his insurance (and even Step-mom's) company and let them know YOU have insurance too and yours is primary.  That will force him to use yours first.  For me it was backwards -- I was the only one ordered to carry insurance, but since mine was Federal, that law said "Last" and when he picked up insurance, his became primary (even though he wasn't ordered) because Federal law trumped our order.

Geez, I hope that makes sense, but it's like playing cards -- which insurance trumps the next....  And believe me, all insurance companies are looking to save money by coordinating benefits etc....

The counselors and stuff....a written report by itself will not work in court.  The counselor will have to appear and testify that YES they wrote the report.  Then since you have an attorney -- hopefully the person is smart enough to ask a simple question "At any time, did you speak with the mother?"  to which the answer has to be NO if you never spoke to them.  Then the report becomes biased....  Your attorney should be able to handle it that way.

Ocean also gave good advice......good luck!


I'm supposed to carry if I get it free...if not, he's supposed to carry, which was the case when the kids went onto his policy.  I've contacted the insurance company and sent a copy of the divorce decree.  He won't reimburse me half even though he's ordered to.  He's like a stubborn bull at every turn!!

The psychologist is planning on attending.  He meets with my brother for his kid, and just mentioned that he'll be coming to where my brother lives for a court case the end of the month.  My brother said he's wondering how he should handle it if his ex can bribe his kid when he gets to be a teenager to make him say he wants to live with her.  The psychologists' eyes opened a little I guess, but I'm prepared for a bumpy ride.  He's a well renowned psychologist, but it's shocking to me that he would write affidavits without at least contacting me for any questions he might have.  If the parent that brings the kids to you says not to contact the other parent, I would think that would be a red flag. 



You'll have to take him/Dad to court to get reimbursed 50% after all insurances have paid.

Get a copy of Divorce Poison (http://deltabravo.net/cms/plugins/content/content.php?content.379) (on Amazon or Ebay)

and if the counselor hasn't spoke to you -- then your attorney should be able to bring that up in court which will show a biased report.


I ordered a copy of that book. Looks like a useful tool. Thanks all!