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Seeing an Attorney

Started by dipper, Aug 12, 2016, 08:56:14 AM

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I do talk too much.  I understand when there is something that cannot be helped.  But, child's tooth has not bothered her at all with us.

Another thing - the maternal grandmother has gotten married to her live-in boyfriend.  They have not notified us, but this occurred after he was served a summons to come to court by us.   One of her family member's had accidentally told my  daughter and I saw it today in print - they had a loss in the family and the maternal grandmother's name has changed.  Not one congratulations on FB....everything hush hush.  I am sure they are using this to their advantage in court.  I don't think he even works anymore because he seems to be at home with the child's mother a lot when we call.   I think they are attempting to prove she has all this help - and will demand he be put on order as a custodial parent since his wife is.   

I don't even know what to think anymore.   I am losing hope.


Don't lose hope.  Stay strong.  Stay positive.  I know it's easier said than done but you can't allow yourself to be plagued by negative thoughts and expectations.  You are doing what's best for the child.  That's your focus.  That's your end game.  Hold you head up high and do what's best for the child.  No one can ask any more of you - including yourself. 
The wonderful thing about tiggers is I'm the only one!


Thank you Tigger.  This is all for my grandchild to have the best life - health wise, emotionally, etc....I really feel she will be neglected or abused if contact is not limited with the mother.  My grandchild went over for a funeral on their side of the family and it tore our hearts out....as my husband neared the exchange spot, she stook her hand in her mouth...and then when he went to get her out, she began crying and saying, "No, No, no, no....I want to stay home."    We got her back last night but she goes back to her mom/grandma for 8 days in the morning.   Those are the longest days each month.....