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Started by I cry_ in_the_dark, Nov 02, 2004, 04:28:10 PM

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I cry_ in_the_dark

My son had an appointment with his mental health nurse today for his ADHD. As usual...I arrive before everyone and the kids come in and promptly sit with me in the waiting room.

My son whispers in my ear that he has been wanting to call me to ask me to bring him his Trick-or-Treat candy because he forgot it, but dad wouldn't let him. (If you note previous post...the court order states the kids can call either parent as desired....) I told him I was sorry...and was soooo happy that I had stuck some Halloween candy in my purse to give to the kids!!!  ;-)

My girl then pops open her book...on the inside cover she had written...
"Son's appt. with Dr. G in two weeks was cancelled and rescheduled for January X date". I put thumbs up and nodded.

The appt. is over...and my son asks his dad if he can ride back home with me to pick up his Trick-or-Treat candy. Dad's snide reply is, "No, she probably won't let you have it anyways...now get out to the car!"
(MY-oh-MY how I wanted to say..."ERRRRR...wrong answer, the correct answer is...NO YOU CAN'T because I am a prick!)

My X turns to me and advises me that the Dr. appt. in 2 weeks was cancelled, and asked if I had received a call. Of course my answer was no, as I had not. Right in front of my daughter he says..."Well I have to call them so I'll let you know when it is rescheduled." and went out the door. My girl says, "Good gawd mom, he is such a LIAR!"

Is it no wonder my kids are messed up???

How in the world do you document these types of situations?


He like the cotrol and power and he does not seem to see how it is affecting the kdis...sad...you just need to stay on top of it...Call dr's yourself...ask them to call you of any changes....call before you go to make sure...they are getting older and can see his true colors all for themselves...   :)


you are right, it is about control and forcing you into a subordinant position...and your kids will see his true colors, they already do.  just keep the faith.

by the by, I like the way your daughter gave you the clue on the doctor's appointment!!!  I'm sure she showed that note to you on purpose because at dad's house, she probably heard that dad wasn't going to tell you about it!!!!