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Child emancipation

Started by brodrzy, Aug 31, 2005, 06:58:44 AM

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If your ex constantly interferes with visitation, I have heard that you can state that the child has emancipated himself from you. Do you really have to sign over your parental rights? Even if the child is 18? That doesn't seem right that a father can fight to see his child, lose visiation and then go broke. BD


If a child is over 18 and not in the process of finishing high school, you can request emancipation in MOST jurisdictions (some you are tied in until they are 21 or older) and others you are locked into post-secondary education support. Your state statutes will outline the criteria used to determine if your child has "emancipated themselves"... things like leaving the CP's home and being financially responsible for themself, getting married, etc.

If a child has been so alienated from you as to refuse to be part of your life, even though you are CURRENT on child support, you could request (and there is some case law for this) for relief from all CS... since the child refuses relationship... but it must be the child refusing the relationship, not just  the other parent interfering.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.