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Getting VA Child Support

Started by caseysmom, Jan 08, 2006, 09:20:27 AM

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I live in SC and my 16 year old's father lives in VA.  For years I have made sure he had access to her so they could have a relationship even going so far to drive halfway for all their visits and welcoming him and his now ex-wife to my home.  I had been under the misconception that they were broke since he has been on disability due to Gulf War Syndrome.  I've recently learned that with all the various payments he gets from the goverment he makes more than I do or did.  Recently I lost my business of 20 years and have been having health problems that have kept me from finding work.  I've never asked and he's never offered to help.  The only thing he's ever promised to do was get her a car for her 16th birthday.  He finally got it here - 6 months and hundreds of excuses late - and it's a piece of crap that barely runs.  

Whether it's anger or just pure disgust with him, I'd like to see him finally take some financial responsibility since apparantly he was always able to and deceived me into feeling sorry for him.  How doable is it to get a child support order against him at this late date and can it be retroactive?  Are there any resources for assistance since I am currently on a low income even though I live in SC and he is in VA?  Thanks for any advice.