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So who gets the NCP vote?

Started by 416021va, Aug 10, 2006, 09:22:37 AM

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I for one would rather vote republican as opposed to democrat.

I think that things would be worse than they are should a democrat get presidency.

What do you think?


Sorry for posting in the child support forum. I meant to post this in the General Forum.

You all can move this if you want, but in actuality child support is something that most NCP's have to deal with.

So who gets that NCP vote?

I'm not trying to judge anyone, just see where "we" are at.



Only Libertarians believe that goverment is way too involved in all this.  They believe court orders should only happen if necessary, and that BOTH parents are EQUALLY important to the well being of children.

leon clugston

we need to go back to the old system, electorial votes as set forth by are forfathers and get away from this creation (of rights created by the states against itself) voting w/ the social security number attached to it. Anything with a social security number attached to it, is not a fundamental right, it holds no rights, it is a creation from a fiction in law, and with it has penalties and consequences that can be administratively applied and enforced when the citizens do not comply within its(administrative) world, or consent to its taratism.
Social security and the number attached to it are the killers for the soverenty and independance of citizens of the united states and the several states that has denaturalized us to citizens of the united states and citizens of the untied states of america, under the corporate charter, another creation from a fiction in law all for the purpose of creating revenue.

Its just an opinion, but one held with the evidentuary and ultimate facts.