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A must read for the ignorant

Started by mplsfitter539, Oct 21, 2007, 08:11:09 PM

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"Taken Into Custody" by Stephen Baskerville
Why the "deadbeat dad" is not only a myth but a hoax - the creation of government officials who plunder parents whose children the government itself has taken away. A parent whose children are taken away by a family court is only at the beginning of his troubles. The next step he is summoned to court and ordered to pay as much as two-thirds or even more of his income as "child support" to whomever has been given custody. His wages will immediately be garnished and his name entered on a federal register of "delinquents." This is even before he has had a chance to become one, though it is also likely that the order will be backdated, so he will already be delinquent as he steps out of the courtroom. If the ordered amount is high enough and the backdating far enough, he will be an instant felon and subject to immediate arrest.
It is difficult to believe such a thing can happen in a country with the Bill of Rights...."
This book really exposes the truth a must read for those who refuse to believe what is happening in this country right now
The government and the feminists only want you to see men as paychecks and felons!!!


>"Taken Into Custody" by Stephen Baskerville
>Why the "deadbeat dad" is not only a myth but a hoax - the
>creation of government officials who plunder parents whose
>children the government itself has taken away.

IMHO, this extreme is just as bad as the extreme he's fighting against. Calling people who don't support your position ignorant makes it even worse.

There ARE deadbeat dads. No amount of denial will make that fact go away. There are also deadbeat moms. There are parents who want to support their kids and can't. There are parents who DO support their kids and don't get credit for it.

There are all sorts of problems with the system, but it DOES work much of the time. Seems to me that it would be more productive to acknowledge that fact and focus on trying to make it work better than taking an extreme position arguing for the entire system to be abolished.

Oh, and the CSE system as absolutely nothing to do with the Bill of Rights.


I am one CP with a "deadbeat"...actually I can't say that anymore...I have a "reformed" deadbeat because for the past 4 months he has been paying....BUT that is only becuase CSE suspended his drivers license and he was caught driving with a suspended license.  He finally woke up to the fact that to keep his license and hold a job, he has to pay what he is ordered to pay!  In my daughter's 8 years, he's racked up over $17K in arrearages!!  So yes...CSE worked in my case!!
Now I'm living....Just another day in Paradise!!



Don't make the mistake of thinking the "justice system" is about "justice."

Don't make the mistake of thinking that if the truth is on your side, you'll be OK. The truth may be out there, but it rarely matters in family court.



>Don't make the mistake of thinking the "justice system" is
>about "justice."
>Don't make the mistake of thinking that if the truth is on
>your side, you'll be OK. The truth may be out there, but it
>rarely matters in family court.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that your unsubstantiated accusations have any bearing on reality.


If you make people think they have no shot at fighting, many will not fight.

DH put it off until he just couldn't stand it anymore. SD suffered for his misconception that he couldn't change things. He went to court twice and won hands down and had all of BM's bullsh** contempt changes against DH completely dropped.

BTW the term ignorant isn't bad. It just means uneducated about a certain topic. I don't think the orginal poster wrote it in the commonly misused context of "stupid".

Best wishes,


>If you make people think they have no shot at fighting, many
>will not fight.
>DH put it off until he just couldn't stand it anymore. SD
>suffered for his misconception that he couldn't change things.
>He went to court twice and won hands down and had all of BM's
>bullsh** contempt changes against DH completely dropped.

Exactly. That's why it's counter-productive to take the position that the entire system is out to 'get' the fathers and needs to be thrown out.

The system isn't perfect, but these 'the entire system is stacked against the father' arguments don't do any good. Better to work within the system to change it.


Ref exactly!!!!

You said "BTW the term ignorant isn't bad. It just means uneducated about a certain topic. I don't think the orginal poster wrote it in the commonly misused context of "stupid".

You are correct the word ignorant is not a negative term it simply means lack of knowledge on a given subject.

leon clugston

>Exactly. That's why it's counter-productive to take the
>position that the entire system is out to 'get' the fathers
>and needs to be thrown out.
>The system isn't perfect, but these 'the entire system is
>stacked against the father' arguments don't do any good.
>Better to work within the system to change it.

you realy should read title 42 U.S.C  654-669, with the damming part being in section "666" and the supporting regs in title 45 CFR's
Then  when you realy want to see what is realy happening, I will be more than gladly to email you the Great Private law "Cooperative Agreements" that every state is bound by, and every court, every judge including Texas most prized special associate judges.