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bankrutcy and child support

Started by tony022407, Jan 11, 2008, 07:07:34 PM

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I ahve recently filed bankrutpcy and now i am being ruled into court for an increase in child support; will the judge even consider the banrutpcy in this action


no...usually it goes by percentages of what you made last year or if you bring in your current checks....If you have the same job then it should not go up...


If you look at the actual form that they use to figure out child support no allowance is made for amount of the parents debt or lack there of. It is solely how much the parent makes and child related expences like daycare or medical. There was a part in there on the one in my state that made an allowance for if the parent had a medical condition and was requiered to pay for thier own medical treatment and/or medicine but that was it.