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Child Support

Started by ablakmanz, Jul 23, 2004, 08:25:53 AM

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I discovered that there's another man's name on the birth certificate of the child that I was duped into supporting and the stae that she resides, Pennsylvania, and her mother refuses to give me a paternity test. I live in Georgia and am constantly being sanctioned by the OCSE, of th county where I live.

Is it possible to get the original order suspended or terminated if it, the original support order, was obtained under fraudulent terms? Georgia is taking me to court for back child support and suspending my license. There is a case similiar to mine in front of the US Supreme Court---can I use that as a catalyist to get all actions suspended until the USSC renders teir decision?

I do not have the funds to fight many wars. I cannot care for my present family, pay lawyer fees, and pay child support or the OCSE purge amounts. I need to do as much as possible to save myself money---what can I do?