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NY Family Courts/Social Services/Child Protective

Started by Lumber1461, Apr 17, 2005, 12:03:14 PM

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I am writing to this message board to pose a few questions about the questionable practices of Child Ptrotective Services and the Family Court system.  The reason I am posting this to this board is to inform and at the same time ask a few questions.  
I was informed by mail that my ex wife is being charged with neglect of our two children because she has been dating a level 3 sex offender back in Schenectady, NY.  I currently reside in St. Louis, Missouri.  This is her 3rd neglect charge in less than 12 months.  She was found guilty of the prior two charges, yet our children are still allowed to reside with her.  About 6 months after I moved to Missouri I was informed by Child Protective that I have been indicated in a child abuse case involving her oldest son.  When I was with my ex wife she asked me to allow her oldest son to come home and when I refused she went to Family Court and claimed I was beating her and leaving bruises on her, which was proven unfounded during court proceddings. When I was approached by child protective they stated that if I did not let her son back in the house I could face arrest for neglect charges, despite the fact that I am not legally responsible for her oldest son since he is not my biological child.  While child protective was at the house my ex wife and her son stated to the Child Protective Person that I caused the scars on his wrists, which were a result of his own doing during a time when he was cutting his wrists as a result of his participation in the gothic movement.  When I sought a resolution through family court I was told they could not entertain a petition in NY because the courts in NY only entertains petitions for support, custody, modifications, and adoptions, and petitions involving juvenile delinquents who have been petitioned to court.  So as of this date my name is on a registry in NY with no recourse to dispute these charges.  It is scary to think that if the child protective people believe the accuser and place the name of the accused on a registry, sort of similiar to the sex offender registry.  I have never been arrested, there are no hospital records, arrest records to back of any of these allegations.  In the prior neglect charges concerning my ex wife, she allowed her oldest son to possess drugs, knives, and a loaded 22 rifle while he was on probation.  After she was found to be responsible for the neglect of our 2 children, she allowed her oldest son to re-enter the house despite a court or of protection against him after they ordered him removed from the home.  A social service worker spotted him leaving her home, which precipitated the 2nd neglect charge which she plead guilty to.  
During the alleged proceedings against me where I was charged with domestic abuse, they agreed to drop the proceedings because they were unfounded charges, and I insisted that I be given joint custody of our children.  
My question is when will they put an end to her little games and get serious about the welfare of my children?  Is there a place I can go to get legal representation because I am a college student working to obtain his accounting degree.  Is this system tilted so much in the favor of women that I don't stand a chance of getting my children.  My ex wife claims her therapist can't decide if she has ADHD or bi-polar.  If anyone has any way to help me out to seek a lawyer I sure can use the direction.  I am by the systems definition living under the standard cost of living and could be considered poor by these standards. I have been struggling and living on grants and loans from college and working 12 hours a week at the college I attend.  Is it possible to obtain a lawyer in my present situation?  If any lawyers come across this I hope you can help and point me in the right direction because my 2 children do not deserve to be living with a mother who continually puts their welfare in jeapordy and keeps working the system to her advantage.  Thank you for reading my post here on this board.