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BM's actions makes me want to vomit....

Started by prince13, Jun 16, 2005, 06:35:13 PM

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BM is dragging DH back to court in one of her already numerous attempts to reduce his parenting time with his children. Two years ago she attempted to reduce the summer visitation with his older two, then 12 and 10. She kept the youngest who was 5 out of it. The Judge allowed the oldest to go from 10 weeks down to 4 at that time. Daughter now wants an extra week with Dad than her 4 and Mom won't allow it. That is just part of this puzzle.

She is now attempting the same BS with her oldest son who is now 10. We go to court on 6/27/05, and today (this is why I am sick to my stomach) DH received a subpeona in the mail for his son. Can you imagine, she is asking the boy to testify against his father. We are sick over this imagine how that child feels.

He has been here for 3 weeks now, and is enjoying playing baseball with his team, and doing family things with us. However, everytime we ask him if he wants to invite some of his friends over he puts his head down and looks depressed (in the past BM has told him it is not ok to have friends at Dad's).

DH and I are just sick sick sick over this. The youngest child is now 7, and we suppose that when he turns 12 we will have the same problem again.

I just hope the Judge remembers that he told BM back in June 2003 that he didn't want to see her back in his courtroom for the same problems with the boys. Well, gee, lookie, here we are.

It will be toss a coin..heads we lose, tails we lose....DH always loses out on something when she drage him to court. It is so not fair. They have been divorced nearly 6 years and this will be his 5th time in court. What does that tell you?

We need thoughts during these next few weeks as they are going to be difficult. And of course, we aren't saying a thing to the kids at all.



BM is dragging DH back to court in one of her already numerous attempts to reduce his parenting time with his children. Two years ago she attempted to reduce the summer visitation with his older two, then 12 and 10. She kept the youngest who was 5 out of it. The Judge allowed the oldest to go from 10 weeks down to 4 at that time. Daughter now wants an extra week with Dad than her 4 and Mom won't allow it. That is just part of this puzzle.

She is now attempting the same BS with her oldest son who is now 10. We go to court on 6/27/05, and today (this is why I am sick to my stomach) DH received a subpeona in the mail for his son. Can you imagine, she is asking the boy to testify against his father. We are sick over this imagine how that child feels.

He has been here for 3 weeks now, and is enjoying playing baseball with his team, and doing family things with us. However, everytime we ask him if he wants to invite some of his friends over he puts his head down and looks depressed (in the past BM has told him it is not ok to have friends at Dad's).

DH and I are just sick sick sick over this. The youngest child is now 7, and we suppose that when he turns 12 we will have the same problem again.

I just hope the Judge remembers that he told BM back in June 2003 that he didn't want to see her back in his courtroom for the same problems with the boys. Well, gee, lookie, here we are.

It will be toss a coin..heads we lose, tails we lose....DH always loses out on something when she drage him to court. It is so not fair. They have been divorced nearly 6 years and this will be his 5th time in court. What does that tell you?

We need thoughts during these next few weeks as they are going to be difficult. And of course, we aren't saying a thing to the kids at all.



hugs and good thoughts coming your way.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


Hi, I feel for you.

What I think the judges should do in these cases is make the cp's sit down and write out why they think its okay to limit the other parent's time.  What makes them think that two biological parents arent equal in a child's life?

It sickens me as well.  My dh sees his son six days a month -and if bm is sooooo gracious as to allow ss to spend an extra day or even an extra hour...she is doing dh a favor.  His son....she has him 24 days a month - but she is doing favors....


you need to show the judge how the kids are at your house. The picture will be worth a thousand words.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.