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any one out there with advice?

Started by refugefromrox, Nov 13, 2006, 03:59:11 PM

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I was divorced sept 2005, after 6month attempt at reconciliation, ex and i on third marriage lasted 5 yrs, had a daughter, marrued her 5 months pregnant. She was from kentucky, we now live in Texas, She has never went over a year between marriages. Asked for supervised visitation every other weekend at my moms, as she was afraid I would take our daughter and leave. I reluctantly agreed as i had a cheap lawyer, and she had her rich familys backing and a expensive one. We had never followed the order, since our sepearation 9 months before the divorce until 6 months after, until she met some guy 2 months after divorce and married him 9 months later.

Now He is calling the shots, and they play me like a toy, I had been getting my daughter every other weekend from fri pm until mon am and picked her up from daycare, and returned her there. Also a overnight each weekday. Now they are getting high and mighty, as i have started to date, and want to know every detail about my life. They also lived together in his house for 6 months before getting married. They accuse me of everything in the book, and I cant afford to take them back to court to establish standard visitation. My daughter is 5 and loves all the time she spends with me, and does not always want to go home, but they are too busy meddling in my life to realize that she does not get the one on one attention she does with me.

Now they are playing hardball and going back to supervised visitation on every other weekend only because i missed taking her to a soccer game,(on my time). It is just one thing after another, constant berating, lies, and false allegations about things I say to my daughter to them.
What can i do to put a stop to this, I am way outgunned moneywise, and about sick of this crap. Not stupid, but at wits end. This is not in the best interests of my daughter. I know ex's plan, she wants to push me, until I sanp, then try to get new hubby to adopt or something. He has 2 kids, one at home, and she has 1 grown one , and a 13 yr old daughter living with them. I'm not giving in, and just want to put an end to their childish manipulative games, and get my regular schedule back with my daughter,not according there mood, or whims at the moment.

Tahnks for listening, any advice would be appreciated.


You can go to the local court house of where child lives or last place you have orders from and file a modification for visition. Go back on a calendar and write in when you have had daughter. Make a chart out of it and show the courts that you have been getting unsupervised and now she is pulling it back. You need to ask for the parenting plan to be court ordered. (come up with one or just write down what the schedule use to be if you are happy with that). Put pick-up times and drop-offs. Ask her daycare if they will give you a copy of the sign-out/in sheet to prove that you have been there.
You can file without a lawyer but be prepared.
Good luck!