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Partner's EX wants to move abroard with his son

Started by Jay_UK, Oct 02, 2007, 05:06:23 AM

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Hi. My name's Jay. I'm from the UK and new to this site, so I thought I'd post a note to let you know what I'm doing here!

My partner has a 3 year old son, Dylan. Dylan's maternal grandparents have just moved to Crete and Dylan's mother wants to move out with them.

My partner took her to court to try and prevent her from going, but the courts weren't interested in anything he had to say. His ex was on benefits at the time, so was entitled to as much legal aid as she wanted. My partner, on the other hand, has a full-time job, and earns about £70pm too much to qualify for any legal aid. As we all know, £70 won't get you far when paying for solicitor's fees, so my partner had no legal representation.

We spent hours trawling the internet, looking for statistics which favoured being brought up in the UK as opposed to Crete, and also being brought up with good imput from the father.

However, it was all in vein, as my partner was not given chance to have a say at all. The judge decided that his ex could have a 6 month trial in Crete, to see if she could find a job over there. My partner and I have just been out to visit Dylan for a week. It was the first time my partner has seen him for 3 months, and it will be another 3 months before he gets to see him again.

The final court hearing is set for December. We're not holding out much hope, as it's unlikely the court will tell her to come back to the UK now she's given up her house.

It makes me mad that so many women would give anything for their child's father to be part of their lives, and yet there are so many father's who want that but are denied. We're still living in the dark ages when it comes to equal rights for fathers