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Michigan DADS try again

Started by antonin, Mar 12, 2004, 10:49:13 AM

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Good story and I really hope they are successful.

I was amused by the father mentioned at the end of the story. He spent $11,000 to get joint custody of his kids. Well, I live in California and in spite of a custody evaluation that said my ex and I are both excellent parents, she was allowed to move them out of state. I'm fighting to get them back and the total bill so far.....

drumroll, please.....

$88,000 and still going!

You gotta love our court system.


we're at $54,000 to get everything in writing that joint legal has....except for the title of joint custody....just so the BM can still brag to anyone who can hear that she was awarded sole because my DH sucks....thank you Michigan.