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It's time to change the laws, the ppl who make them and enforce them

Started by sarasdaddy2k2, Jun 09, 2004, 05:13:07 AM

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Yes, I said it.
It's time to change the laws, time to change the people who write the laws, and time to change the people who enforce the laws.  From the politicians who write our family laws to the judges who enforce those laws, we are tired of the laws now set in place.  I have read, story after story, here and in other forums, and it is all the same.  People want the laws changed, and that want it done now.  So much for a country of the people, for the people, by the people, when we don't seem to have a "say" in anything.  Knowledge is power that is a fact, and the fact is we want the laws changed.  So, let's do it.  Not only for our sake, not only for our children's sake, but for future families, so they don't have to endure the pain and suffering that we have.  I know, I know, you have had your "Moses's" in the past, but what has it gotten anyone?
I heard all the heartache and decided to do something about it.  If I'm wrong, and no one wants things changed, then so be it.  I created P.E.R.S.I.S.T. because I know we can make a difference.  I know that one person can make a difference.  A pebble dropped in a pond, sends ripples to all shores.  Those ripples affect each shore.  If you don't believe me, next time you go to the lake or beach, watch the shoreline, as the waves hit the shore, it affects everything.  Well, enough, you either want to change things or you don't.  I have been without my 4 year old daughter for over 2 1/2 years, and I'm going to fight to make sure no other parent has to endure what I and my family are enduring right now.  //www.persist2k3.com    Take care and God bless.


I visited your site. I have a few questions.

Is it a site for parents? or fathers? persist indicates parents, but your opening statement clearly says fathers.

You also say,, fathers NEED their children. Sorry, I disagree. It isnt about your needs, its about kids needs.

The thought of a national organization WITH some political clout is good. But THAT my friend takes funds,, a LOT of them. It takes PAC's, with campaign contributions and a lot of time. What use is it to influence the VOTERS?? THEY do NOT make the laws, and the lawMAKERS are pretty much the same across the board, regardless of who is elected. They listen to clout,, money,, and THAT my friend is the fact. So, unless you have a few million to spend IN YOUR area,, dont expect many politicians to listen.

Bolivar OH

"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."

Just as this site does, thank you for getting the message out.

Fathers are a very important in the emotional development of children.

Currently our society is prejudice against dads nurturing side.  Dads are in large part looked at as beer drinking, pot belled, intestinal gas releasing, "get out of my T.V. view", Neanderthal.

Thanks for doing your part in defining dads' role in children's life.


You're from Bolivar, OH? I am 30 min. west of Canton.


California Code for Custody determination:
3020.  (a) The Legislature finds and declares that it is the public
policy of this state to assure that the health, safety, and welfare
of children shall be the court's primary concern in determining the
best interest of children when making any orders regarding the
physical or legal custody or visitation of children.  The Legislature
further finds and declares that the perpetration of child abuse or
domestic violence in a household where a child resides is detrimental
to the child.
   (b) The Legislature finds and declares that it is the public
policy of this state to assure that children have frequent and
continuing contact with both parents after the parents have separated
or dissolved their marriage, or ended their relationship, and to
encourage parents to share the rights and responsibilities of child
rearing in order to effect this policy, except where the contact
would not be in the best interest of the child, as provided in
Section 3011.


3010.  (a) The mother of an unemancipated minor child and the
father, if presumed to be the father under Section 7611, are equally
entitled to the custody of the child.
   (b) If one parent is dead, is unable or refuses to take custody,
or has abandoned the child, the other parent is entitled to custody
of the child.

so... you see, at least in California the law is not biased... and California has one of the nations highest CP father's numbers, and one of the highest Joint Legal and Physical numbers (by the way supream court ruled to be joint physical in California there must be a minimum of 30% custodial time).

There of course is the problem of getting Judges to realize what the law says and not put their own spin on it.
So you want different custody outcomes? Equal parenting time? Then get the Judges who do not follow the law the hell out of office.

If you read through California's laws to this point... if your state does indeed have less than this wording in their laws, by all means lobby to get that changed. A good link on how to lobby comes from the ACLU.

You can make a difference, but before you go out to change the world, at least have knowledge about what you are trying to change.



Just to let you know--I clicked around your site and when I clicked on one of the board sites I got a trojan virus---Just thought I would let you guys know


Perhaps we should lobby the ACLU first.  This is the list pulled off their website.  Notice anything missing???

 Criminal Justice
 Death Penalty
 Disability Rights
 Drug Policy
 Free Speech
 Immigrants Rights
 Int'l Civil Liberties
 Lesbian & Gay Rights
 National Security
 Privacy & Technology
 Racial Equality
 Religious Liberty
 Reproductive Rights
 Rights of the Poor
 Student Rights
 Voting Rights
 Women's Rights  
 Safe and Free


this judge has made a MONUMENTAL contribution by setting a precedent for non custodial parents.  To my knowledge, myself included, only 3 people in the community have taken 10 seconds to write her an email commending her on her decision.

Did you?


I not only took the time, I am writing again.

This is a Nation wide decision that will help all non-custodials.

Everyone here talks about changing things. Quit complaining and do something. It is your chance to speak up and make a difference...