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Utah Custody Battle...HELP!

Started by heptikus, Aug 31, 2004, 10:30:58 AM

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Last month I was served with an OSC for modification from my ex requesting that the court make an order giving me less than the State mandated visitation schedule.  I immediately retained an attorney who I'm told is the best in the area for my situation.  

Two weeks ago we were in court and the commissioner framed a temporary order that gave my ex some of what she was asking for, but fell short of her request.  In my response I requested a change in custody because she has always made visitation difficult and has interfered with my parenting time.  The commissioner ordered a custody evaluation, a court mediator to get involved and an organization called ACAFS who interviews the children at each exchange in order to monitor parental behavior.  It all seems overwhelming!

There are of course many more details and 11 years of history in my case, but before I get into that I need to know if anyone can help me understand this process.  Please help...
