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Started by tschadler, Dec 20, 2004, 10:21:51 PM

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I realize that not every biomom suffers from this but it seems to me that A HUGE NUMBER,from what I read on this site, may suffer from
Borderline Personality Disorder.

Read up on this.  BPD's usually have one target person, are sweet as pie to everyone esle and most people don't believe this person has a problem.

They are very good at convincing others that what they did, was actually  the person commiting these acts.

Just type either  Borderline Personality Disorder in your search engine or try Walking On Eggshells, an excellent book about BPD.



I found a lot of the same information that you're looking for there.


take a camcorder to DO and PU...

File a MTA DO and PU location to a halfway point due to the fact she moved...

keep a journal EVERYDAY of things that go on.

go to articles archive and a read everything you can ... this site  has taught me so much..