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going through divorce/custody battle

Started by daddyb, Jan 29, 2005, 11:30:24 PM

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its been a while since I posted something here but now i have finally made a move(just waiting for the right timing) anyway i have temporary custody of my 2 boys;5 & 8 years old on the grounds of fear of physical abuse i have a hearing on the 8th of feb. i will have to testify to the facts surrounding the case:ie: she has picked up my 8 year old and thrown him across the room before also she took a baseball bat to my computer in the past the lawyer says he thinks i have a pretty good chance at getting custody of my kids in these circumstances also she went upstairs to her boyfriends appt and took a whole bottle of his medicine in an attempt to commit suicide and she also sees a psyciatrist however she thinks that she has a good case because i looked at porn before and that is her entire defense as far as i can tell.

     I tried to be reasonable with her tried to get her to accept joint custody with joint placement but she would not accept it so long story short she is the one with the restraining order against her and i have custody for now hopefully it will work in my favor

      well any input would be much appreciated thanks.


When were you willing to enter into an agreement of joint physcial placement?  Was that before all of the other stuff ( suicide attempt, throwing son across the room).   I am not familiar with you or your situation and seek some clarification.


here in our small town they did an audit of the court house computers,guess what they found,more than 2/3 of the 50 plus court house computers have had porn viewed on them,as long as it wasnt kiddie porn youve done nothing illegal,you can buy porn at the convenient store on the corner,good luck


the answer to your question is after i filed for divorce and custody i was willing to settle for joint placement however she would also need to go for anger management counseling if that were to happen. I susspect that the judge will require it of her anyway due to the nature of the case.


thank you for your input i feel the same way and i believe that the judges will also.