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Forum Tips and Info - Please Read

Started by SPARC Admin, Nov 01, 2008, 01:06:02 AM

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Welcome to the SPARC Message Boards.

Easy navigating

* Click the    icon to go to the newest posts in a thread (must be logged in).
* To go to the very last post in a thread, click the    icon on the far right of the screen.

Error messages:
When posting a picture with no accompanying text you may receive an error message that says "The message body was left empty." Just put a space or period (or any character) in the post to make the board accept it.

Afteryou've registered and made 10 posts, the karma 'bless' and 'smite'links will appear below other registered user's names.  You can blessor smite each user once per hour. The time limit is just there toprevent someone from smiting you over and over in a short period oftime.

Existing Users:
If you were a user on theprevious SPARC Message boards, your account and posts were transferred.For security, your password was NOT transferred. To get a new passwordto your existing account, just use the "Forgot your password (http://deltabravo.net/forum/index.php?action=reminder)" link.

Personal Message Alert
This is another profile option change that's very useful:

  • Click"Profile", and then Personal Message Options"
  • Click the checkboxthat says "Show a popup when you receive new messages?"
When you do this you'll get a tiny alert box when someone leaves you a new PM. Very handy.

http://www.deltabravo.net/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=4;sa=pmprefs (http://index.php/?action=profile;u=4;sa=pmprefs)