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Pro Se Resp, off to trial

Started by stldad, Jan 24, 2009, 02:54:34 PM

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off topic: I used this forum a while back, lost/forgot id...

Yes, trial soon.  Pet has a default judgment, I filed Family Access Motion, she refused to comply with the visitation orders. (the ones she herself requested only months prior...)
St Louis County, Missouri

I have evidence I intend to use to support my argument.  Much is e-mail, postal mail, and some third party documention (phone records, paperwork from gov't entities, etc.). 
I can't seem to find info about what's required to be submitted prior to court prior to trial.  The majority of this evidence is already shared/known with, and by, the Pet.


Depends on judge.....does the Pet have a lawyer?  A lawyer may shoot down some of your evidence. The phone records have to be a originals from the phone company. Our lawyer gave the evidence as he presented it to the court during the trial. If it was allowed to be submitted it was taken from him. If the other lawyer shoots it down for some reason and the judge says yes, then you keep it. If the Pet has a lawyer it will be a lot harder to get ANYTHING into evidence so be prepared.
Good luck!


She has a lawyer.
Cell phone, records are printed from online acct. info.  It is from my cell to hers, and hers to mine.  Besides, that particular record would only be used to counter her already made claim I never gave her my new phone number.  lol  Unfortunately, she's lied about many things, and I'm going to discredit her.    :(

I am preparing vigourously...

Missouri doesn't have much in the way of specific laws regarding rules of evidence, so I'm using the Federal Rules of Evidence, among other sources, for prep.

Not only am I versing myself for their objections, I'm preparing to counter, be able cite specific law and rules and reasons.

I've tried everything but fighting for two years.  I have some serious inner turmoil with what I have to do now.  I'll find out in a month if my ego is simply over inflated, or I'm the Pro Se nightmare I'm thinking will embarrass her counsel.  Her lawyer is from a rather huge law firm, but the bonehead-ette won't even return my phone calls.  0.o

I have a multitude of follow up options if I screw this up.  I'd prefer to get it right enough for the judge, THIS time, and commence a life with my kid.


Don't do it pro se. You will get crucified by the St. Louis courts. The only chance you had for a decent and fair judge (Frawley) just stepped down from the bench to pursue other interests. He is being replaced by a Black woman judge. The other judges I know little about, but pro se is not looked upon very favorably. There are some very good attorneys in our area. I have had 5 different attorneys over the past 7 years, so I know alot about them. Let me know and I can steer you to a good firm. By the way, I won my relocation case with a local attorney from Carmody MacDonald. We won over Husch-Eppenberger, which is the largest firm in the state.

Don't use Cordell and Cordell, they are a joke and full of cr-p. Father friendly attorney my a--.
