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Custody ? !

Started by John Silver, Sep 13, 2005, 08:07:54 PM

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John Silver

So custody is a hot button, the hot topic.  

Fankly, just what is the meaning of that word ?  lets take a look at what the Webster's Dictionary has to say concern this.

Costody - Immediate charges and control exericised by a person, or an authority as over a ward. i.e.,  (ward of the state !)

Custodian / custodial - Relating to guardianship, one that guards and protects or protects or maintains; one entrusted with guarding and keeping property or records or with custody or guardianship of prisoners or inmate.


Ok, So custody according to the above meaning, is a case in which oone is given the job to guard another person. such as a foster parent. We go to court begging for the right to guard a child, as if we were foster parents.

Basely, did you know that if you were to ask, the court would tell you that you are only acting as a parent, and the child is actually a ward of the STATE ?

What ?  How in the 7734 did that happen, how can the STATE claim that the children are wards of the STATE ?  I thought that the children belonged to the mother and father !  

But if the truth be known,  when the child was born,  the Mother signed away all rights to the child, and her maidian name, appears on the birth cert., making it appear that she had the child out of wedlock !  

Second, the couple, the man and woman used a marriage licesne, and business licesne,  and entered in to business with the U.S government.

Now there are three party's in this marriage. Blessed Uncle Sam is now head of the house hold, displaceing the beloved man from from his rightful place as head of the house. Now when a child is born, Blessed Uncle Sam lays claim to the child,  and the mother signs away all rights to the child, thus robbing her beloved man, of any rights to the child, and later when she decides that she does not want to live with her man,  both party's go running to Uncle Sam for help !

Uncle Sam just smiles and says, remember, the children are mine. You are only acting as parents. Just pretending to be parents.  This is a bussiness deal,  and we will treat this as business, a coropration matter, in which we will divided the company stock, i.e., the children, as if they were so much cattle to be put on the market !

Frankly, I had no idea, until I did some resreach in to this. Yes it is true.
All you have to do is just ask the judge !

He may not want to admit it !

But those are the facts.

I for one do not think that a family should be treated like a cattle business, but that is what is happening in the court.  I for one believe that the marriage is a religion matter, not a civil matter.

Christ is the one who ordained the marriage, and created man and woman. There fore Christ should be the head of the household, not Uncle Sam !  

According to Psalms 127:3, and 128:3 - says ; the children are a heritage from the lord. the fruit of the womb is his reward.  The man is the farmer, and he plantes the seed within the beloved garden of the womb, and then waits for the harvest. And the wife shall be as a fruitful vine !

And lo and behold, when the harvest comth forth, Uncle Sam reaches out and takes the child, thus robbing the Farm of his products !  

So what have we got here ?   Why its a bad case of kidnaping and stolen property by fraud !  

Later, a few years down the Road,  little beloved wife or husband decides that they don't want to remain married, so the woman then trys to steal the Farmers harvest !   Thus the power struggle begins !

Frankly, I think we have got it all backwards and have left God out of the marriage.  

The devil himself is having a hey day, a gleeful time here, listing to us wail.

As for me,  I think that it is crime to deny either parent to see the child, or deny the child of their God given rights to be with both mother and father.

If the mother and father can't get along, then they should live in two houses, next door to each, and then the children can spent as much time as the wish with either parent.

As for me, I refuse to get down upon my knees and beg for custody of what rightfully belongs to me. The children do not belong to the state.

We as men, did not sell our children.  Our wives were tricked in to doing that !  

Yet, the Fruitful Vine suddently is saying that the farmer can't have his heritage.  

Guys, Gals,  lets stop this, and take back our children from the control of the STATE. the children belong to you, not the STATE !  

As long as we continue to run to big brother Sam, he will continue to milk you like sheep of its wool and milk, till your bank account is dry !  

Lets find another way of dealing with our family problems, and leave the STATE  out of our family disputes !

I have said enough !


>Christ is the one who ordained the marriage, and created man
>and woman. There fore Christ should be the head of the
>household, not Uncle Sam !  
>According to Psalms 127:3, and 128:3 - says ; the children are
>a heritage from the lord. the fruit of the womb is his reward.
> The man is the farmer, and he plantes the seed within the
>beloved garden of the womb, and then waits for the harvest.
>And the wife shall be as a fruitful vine !

Whatever. The fact is, we have to deal with things as they are, not how you believe they are or want them to be. Your comments about god, psalms, etcetera have no place here- we deal with practical, useful information, not personal religious beliefs. Also, this may come as a huge shock to you, but not everyone believes in the same stuff you do. I don't, and I find your casual assumption that we all "believe" to be arrogant and misplaced.

You're welcome to your opinions but they really have no bearing here nor will they have any bearing in court. This sort of thing just has no practical application here, okay?

Please don't argue with me about the glory of god etc etc etc. This isn't the time or place.

>I have said enough !

I am in complete agreement.