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Started by pinson, Sep 21, 2005, 11:34:02 PM

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I am sending this to anyone I can with hopes that you can lead me in the right direction. I am currently in a beautiful relationship with a very beautiful man whom I watch on a daily basis suffer from what his ex-wife is doing to him. Just over two years ago his wife said she was going to visit with her sister out of state and in truth she never had any intention of coming back. See this was not a problem except for the fact that she took his baby girl with her and has kept her location a secret. She has not made it possible for him to see his daughter and it is breaking his heart. Up until now he was unable to afford legal representation and was given a three day notice of the court hearing. He was unable to appear and now is paying dearly. He has always paid his support of $600/mo but has only seen his daughter once in these two long years. This is killing him as he has been, from the time she was born until the time her mother took her, her primary caretaker. She is now taking him back to court with false accusations to his character and the life he lives to attemt to take her from him forever. His biggest hurdle is that the  career that he chose to help better himself so he can afford a great attorney, is the same career that unfortunatly keeps him from traveling more than an hour away. He is on call 365 days a year in his profession and this makes it impossible to appear in court most especially with only three days notice to aquire representation and get there. I am reaching out to anyone who can help. I just need names. You see I have been researching day and night to help him and still have come up with no names. By names I mean attorneys to help us fight this. I don't just mean your average lawyer but someone who has strong beliefs and a high success rate with fathers rights. We are in Texas but his ex-wife is in Oklahoma so we need an Oklahoma lawyer...FAST!  Unfortunatly he believed her when she told him that she was not staying in OK and would return when she got her head together. Well months went by and no word from her other than a couple of messages stating that she still needs time. He was unaware of her true intentions. Really what she was doing is just holding him off until her six months had past so that she could file for divorce and custody in a state other than what the marriage took place in. I think she knew if she were to stay here in Texas things would have had a different outcome. She has made the comment several times that she has every intention of erasing him from his little girls life forever and has even told him he might as well sign away his rights so he will not have to pay child support because she does not need nor want his money. I just hate seeing this happen to such a loving father. If there is any attorneys referals,sites or resources you can send my way I cannot begin to tell you how much I would appreciate it. Again, I am looking for an Oklahoma lawyer that fights strongly for fathers rights.
Thank You

jb n jg

Wow I thought my world was messed up but you've got alot on your plate.I would suggest that you contact the court in Oklahoma and I would file Kidnapping charges but this is not legal advice it's just what I would do.Or even call a lawyer and ask questions it can't hurt.If he is the father of the child she should not be able to take her out of state like that .Do you guys have any court documents for visitation or support.Because as far as I know you cannot Deny visitations unless you go through the court system.Go under State Laws on Google or even stateinfo.com.There are all sorts of sites that can help you.You can even type in Father's Rights on google or yahoo and you should be able to find laws and regulations.Hope I helped a little.


We live in Oklahoma and my husband won full custody of his daughter after 2 hearings. Our attorney is Tim Baker in Tahlequah, OK. He is awesome. We were actually referred to him by another father who won custody of his daughter as well. Wish you well.